Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 172 Speed ​​Training

Chapter 172 Speed ​​Training (2) ([-])
"[-] seconds [-]!" said the gas ghost.

"Is this runway [-] meters?" Leng Ye continued to ask.

"Take it as a fake!" said the angry ghost.

"Have I broken the world record?" This was Leng Ye's first thought, which was simply impossible before. "I can participate in the Olympics, haha!"

Seeing Leng Ye's stupid appearance, Shuang'er couldn't help saying: "Crazy!"

Shuang'er's words woke up Leng Ye from the surprise like cold water, because this is a game after all.But Leng Ye thought again, most of the activities in the game have some kind of impact on reality, so he firmly believes that he will also reach a certain height in reality.Then calculate the [-]:[-] ratio between game time and real time, Leng Ye is simply crazy. [-] seconds [-] is less than two seconds in reality, if you can take it completely, Leng Ye is a well-deserved trapeze, and definitely the kind of trapeze that can fly.

What made him make this qualitative leap?Leng Ye naturally remembered the pill that the Qi Ghost gave him, and immediately asked: "Master, is it related to the pill I just took?"

"What kind of pill? It's a fast-moving pill, which I developed with half my life's painstaking efforts. After taking it, it can keep people in a good competitive state and excited state for a long time." Qi Gui said.

"Could it be a stimulant? This is a banned drug, and it will be suppressed." Leng Ye said to himself.

"It's okay to say it's a stimulant, but it's different from a general stimulant. After taking it, the physiological indicators of the human body are the same as before, and it only works during the competition. No one can find out Yes, don’t worry, master will not harm you.” Qi Gui comforted Leng Ye, after all, Leng Ye established his experimental product, a successful experimental product.

"Will it be harmful to the body?" Leng Ye asked again, after all he cared about his body very much.

"Master guarantees with human head, this is absolutely green and pollution-free food." The angry ghost said a little angrily.

"Then thank you, Master!" Leng Ye bowed to the Qi Ghost, and when he raised his head, the Qi Ghost had disappeared.

A creepy voice came from the hall: "Good apprentice, hurry up and practice. When you run within [-] seconds, you can become a teacher. The master will die in peace."

Shuang'er sat on a chair in the middle of the hall, looking at Leng Ye, feeling gloating.Leng Ye saw what Shuang'er was thinking, and shouted sharply: "Why are you laughing! Hurry up and buy mineral water for your husband!"

Hearing the word mineral water, Shuang'er laughed even more.

With Shuang'er's support and encouragement, Leng Ye once again stood on the [-]-meter runway and began to challenge the limits of human beings.Shuang'er stood at the starting point to time him.

"Get ready, run!" Following Shuang'er's shout, Leng Ye started running.

But who would have thought, Shuang'er then shouted: "Steal away!"

When Shuang'er's words reached Leng Ye's ears, Leng Ye had already run more than [-] meters away.

Leng Ye was about to go over to show Shuang'er some color, but saw three large characters on the stopwatch in Shuang'er's hand: "Steal away!"

(End of this chapter)

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