Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 195 Wedding Ring

Chapter 195 Wedding Ring ([-])

The monsters on the fifth floor of Yuelao Building are much higher than those on the fourth floor in terms of level and strength.The mobs still couldn't do much harm to Leng Ye and the Golden Winged Roc, but the five-story "maze" was much more complicated. Relying on Leng Ye's good memory, he managed to minimize going back and forth, and finally found it after half a day. The entrance to the sixth floor.

The fifth floor looks very dilapidated. The wildfire on the broken wall is still extinguished, and it is full of devastation. There are corpses everywhere, with incomplete weapons inserted, and it is desolate...

Leng Ye is now starting to wonder if Yue Lao is a pervert...

The scene in front of him made Leng Ye a little terrified. There seemed to be endless grievances on the corpses all over the place. There was a faint howl. Leng Ye resisted the discomfort in his heart and stepped forward on the corpse. In the distance, a strange figure appeared in front of him. , causing Leng Ye to stop.

This is a monster with a human head and a snake body. The long green hair flutters like a long snake. Under the cover of the long hair, there is a beautiful face as pale as snow. The lower body of the snake is covered with scales, emitting bursts of light blue light The light emitted an indescribable strangeness.

"Humble human being, you dare to enter Medusa's territory. You have only one way to go, and that is death!" Medusa let out a strange laugh, which sounded like the sound of metal friction. Harsh.

This monster turned out to be the legendary monster Medusa!The legendary Medusa has a powerful magic - petrification, this skill is simply a nightmare without the existence of priests.Leng Ye vaguely remembered that Shuang'er had told him about the legend about Medusa, and he wanted to retreat, but he was not reconciled if he didn't get a good wedding ring.

Life is precious, love is higher!The golden-winged roc was born to be the nemesis of snakes, so Leng Ye decided to take a gamble.

Medusa's long hair fluttered, and the wind gradually rose.The strands of hair suddenly turned into long snakes, flying towards Leng Ye like lightning.Leng Ye swiftly used the Lost Step, and was about to dodge, a dazzling white light was released from between Medusa's eyebrows, which quickly shone on him——Leng Ye was petrified!
Medusa used petrification from the very beginning, and the bosses she met before would only use her ultimate move at the end of the battle, which was completely beyond Leng Ye's expectations.

In an instant, Leng Ye felt stiff all over, in a state of petrification!In the state of petrification, Leng Ye has no way to dodge the attack of the flying snakes. The long snakes wrapped around Leng Ye's body, and the snake's tongue faltered, biting him non-stop.Seeing so many snakes entangled his body, Leng Ye's heart trembled for a while, and he kept slashing the long sword to kill the long snakes on his body. However, due to the petrification state, his body became more and more stiff, so he swung the long sword The speed is like slowing down, it doesn't help at all.

At this moment of life and death crisis, Garuda Roc let out a long roar, and then flapped his wings, countless feathers shot out from his two wings, turning into countless flying and stabbing down the long snake.

Leng Ye was stunned for a moment, he didn't know when the golden-winged roc had such a powerful attack.

Leng Ye's petrified state has also gradually come into contact...

In order to prevent Medusa from releasing the flying snake again, Leng Ye took a stray step and used the Dugu Nine Swords to attack Medusa, while carefully guarding against Medusa's every move.

Fortunately, Medusa's petrification has a time limit, and the golden-winged roc, which is a super beast, is immune to magic, otherwise Leng Ye would have been slaughtered here today.

Garuda has successfully entangled Medusa, its speed is faster than Medusa, plus it is not afraid of petrification, Medusa can't get rid of it at all, and the cold night is much safer for a while .The golden-winged roc was in front, and Leng Ye was behind, launching a roaring attack on Medusa.

Especially the attack of Garuda Roc, made Medusa suffer a lot.Although she roared angrily, Medusa had nothing to do. Although she used all kinds of magical attacks, the power was not small, but it seemed that it was not terrible for the golden-winged roc who is a super mythical beast. Relying on the attack of the snake group...

Medusa let out a sharp cry, and another group of flying snakes rushed towards the Garuda!

Sure enough, the golden-winged roc is the natural enemy of snakes. Flying snakes can hardly do any harm to it. When the sheep enter the tiger's mouth, the snakes fall one after another——

Unable to find any good way to attack the enemy, Medusa had no choice but to accept the fate of failure. Under numerous attacks, Medusa's life was in jeopardy. How long does Sha last.

"Broken Sword Style—" Leng Ye shouted, and the sword pierced Medusa's throat.A blood arrow surged out, and Medusa let out a long scream, and fell down unwillingly!

Leng Ye saw a colorful ring at a glance, he quickly picked it up, held it in his hand and looked at it.

Seven-color diamond ring: a top-notch wedding item. One man can marry up to seven women, or one woman can marry up to seven men. It has the function of husband and wife teleportation.

Although he can only marry seven women, Leng Ye is already very happy, and began to slowly choose the seven people in his heart...

Putting away the booty, Leng Ye entered the sixth floor of Yuelao Building.

The sixth floor is gloomy, and the attacks of the monsters inside are more than one grade higher than that of the fifth floor. The golden-winged roc can no longer instantly kill the mobs here.These little monsters alone are difficult to deal with with Leng Ye and Golden Winged Roc alone. Thinking about Medusa on the fifth floor, the boss here must be stronger, and it is definitely not something that can be dealt with by one person. Leng Ye is hesitating Whether to go back, his pager rang.

It was sent by Jin Dao, Leng Ye hung up after saying a few words, and then tore up the scroll to return to the city.
The next moment, Leng Ye had already appeared in Sword Demon City.

(End of this chapter)

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