Chapter 196
In the meeting hall of the Sword Demon Shrine, there are the Lost Young Master, the Four King Kongs, the Four Golden Flowers, the Quintuplet sisters, and Shuang'er who rarely participates in gang affairs recently.Leng Ye greeted everyone, and then the poor young man got to the point.

"Today's event is a major event that concerns the life and death of the Sword Demon God's Palace! Everyone must speak up!" Young Master Luo's subordinates gave everyone a "stimulant".

Young Master Luo Po went on to say: "I won't talk nonsense. Recently, major gangs have developed, and some of them have even established their bases. It can be said that a huge change is brewing in the entire China region, and a big war is coming. The most attractive The most notable one is the battle between us and the Evil Spirit Temple, to be precise, it is likely to be a joint attack by the Evil Spirit Temple and the Rose Society!"

Regarding this news, except for Leng Ye, everyone else was a little bit downhearted, so they didn't show any surprise. They all listened intently to what the poor man continued, because the matter was definitely not that simple.

"Although the strength of these two guilds is very strong, and the combined strength is even more astonishing, it is still very difficult to defeat us, but what is worse, according to the investigation of our intelligence personnel, Qin Wudi also had a battle with the evil spirit The shocking contact, once the three of them reach an agreement, we will truly fall into crisis!"

Hearing that the evil god was shaking the sky, Leng Ye became angry, and it was precisely because of this that he was in the mood to continue listening.

Others also exploded, and there was a lot of discussion. Obviously, the situation is more serious than imagined. You must know that Qin Wudi's guild is mainly fighters, thieves, and assassins. It is obvious that the strength is not very good, but when it comes to sneak attacks, I am afraid no one Stronger than them.

The Lost Young Master continued: "We have to prepare for the worst, so let's combine the strengths of the three of them to see!

The first is the strength of the masters. The evil god Feng Zhentian, the leader of the Evil Spirit Temple, and Shao Jingyan, the leader of the Rose Society, are both top ten masters on the list, but according to the investigation of our intelligence personnel, they have killed many more during this period of time. High-level BOSS, the strength must have improved.As for Qin Wudi, the leader at the moment, he is a high-level assassin himself. This person is the most mysterious, and the progress of investigating him is quite slow. Although he is not on the ranking list, we can be sure that he is probably even stronger than the above two people. Terrible, is a hidden guy.

On the whole, we have [-] swordsmen and knights who play a decisive role, the Evil Spirit Temple and the Rose Society add up to only [-] people, and the Qin Wudi's Assassin Guild has [-] people. In this regard, I think our strength is better than They, but the Five Emperors of Qin still have more than [-] elite thieves and assassins who are good at assassinating and disrupting the situation, which is very unfavorable to us!
In addition to warriors, there are more than [-] magicians from various departments and [-] archers on our side, all of which are not bad.On the other side, although the Evil Spirit Temple and Qiangwei are the only ones stationed there, they have many unjoined branches scattered all over the place. The total number of people is [-], which is much higher than ours. Although it is inconvenient to command, but The advantage in numbers more than makes up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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