Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 218 Holy Beast 6-Winged Flying Tiger King

Chapter 218 The Holy Beast Hexapod King (3) ([-])
The golden-winged roc swayed up and down, left and right, and avoided many flying tigers, but there were too many flying tigers.In the end, the golden-winged roc didn't hide and charged directly.Leng Ye saw that the gold-winged roc would lose about a quarter of its blood every time it crossed a flying tiger. Leng Ye saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart!

"Good buddy!" Leng Ye secretly praised in his heart.

There is only the last "flying tiger wall" in front of the passage, as long as they pass this, Leng Ye and Golden-winged Roc can escape safely.At this moment, Leng Ye only had the words "Jade Emperor bless" in his heart, and he didn't know anything else.

At this critical moment, the golden-winged roc once again used its unique trick—feather arrows. In an instant, countless feathers flew out of the golden-winged roc's body...

Leng Ye saw that not only the feathers on the wings of the golden-winged roc were completely "plucked" this time, but also the feathers on other parts of the body "flyed out". It can be seen that the "feather arrows" this time are more powerful than before. more powerful.

Sure enough, countless feathers turned into countless flying knives, flying towards the flying tigers in all directions, piercing deeply into their bodies.Immediately, the flying tiger that was hit by the flying knife was bleeding, and a rain of blood fell in midair.

A gust of wind blows, and a fishy smell can be vaguely smelled in the cold night.If it was in the past, Leng Ye would have sighed, saying that he had discovered the source of the idiom "reign of terror".But now, he began to worry about the safety of the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc is running out of life at this time, "the divine eagle can no longer be harmed", Leng Ye thought, and immediately recalled the golden-winged roc to the pet space.

After the gold-winged roc was recalled, Leng Ye realized that he hadn't landed yet, and then there was a free fall, and he fell directly.

"Hey..." Leng Ye yelled.

"I'm not dead!"

Simply because Leng Ye didn't fall from too high a height, so he didn't die immediately.But the body of the flying tiger that fell from the sky landed on Leng Ye again, crushing him half to death.

The passage was in front of him, Leng Ye quickly overturned the body of the flying tiger on his body, rolled into the passage.

As soon as he entered, tens of thousands of flying tigers had already flown over. Because the passage was too narrow, only two flew in and hit Leng Ye's body heavily. Many others hit the mountain wall. Some hovered over the mouth of the passage.

Leng Ye was almost killed by the flying tiger, so he quickly used his lost step and ran outside—dodging the flying tiger's attack while pouring blood medicine.

The passage is very narrow, the flying tiger can't fly, and can only run to chase Leng Ye.Lost Step is an advanced skill, how can they catch up in the cold night running under this skill, and the distance is getting farther and farther.At first I could still hear the roar of the flying tiger, but gradually there was only the whistling wind from both sides of my ears...

Finally, Leng Ye got out of the tree hole, but he was afraid of the flying tiger chasing him, so he ran all the way to the lake.

"There is no way ahead, what should I do?"

Leng Ye tried to summon the Golden-winged Roc, but the system prompted that the Golden-winged Roc could not leave the pet space due to serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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