Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 219 Holy Beast 6-Winged Flying Tiger King

Chapter 219 The Holy Beast Hexapod King (4) ([-])
Hearing this reminder, Leng Ye was a little desperate, how could he get out without the golden-winged roc!There are six bridges on Zixin Lake, but there is not even one here.

"Boss, do you want to go out?"

Leng Ye heard this familiar voice again, obviously it was from the Garuda, but there was no Garuda around, so he asked: "Divine Eagle, is that you? Where are you? "

"Boss, I'm in your pet space. Just now I met the Flying Tiger King at level [-]. I used a skill by leapfrogging. Now I'm seriously injured, but I can't die. Boss, don't worry, the Flying Tiger King just laid eggs yesterday. , the system is weak, and it was broken by my 'wing needle' just now, and it was also seriously injured."

"Level [-]? That is the existence of a super divine beast. It should be no worse than the golden-winged roc. If it weren't for the postpartum weakness, it is estimated that it will be buried here today." Leng Ye thought with cold sweat on his face.

Go back and kill it while it is injured?Leng Ye wanted to do this, but he could only think about it. Although Leng Ye was almost at level [-], he hadn't gone crazy enough to kill a super beast at level [-], which was even invincible to the golden-winged roc. the point.

"Shen Diao, how can I heal your injury?" Leng Ye asked.

"Boss, I don't know about this. Maybe it will be fine if you rest. You don't have to worry about me. Get out of here quickly. Maybe the little flying tiger will come to make trouble." Gold-winged Dapeng said.


"Boss, don't you have a scroll to return to the city? Go back quickly!"

"How confused am I, CAO! I'd rather be harassed than be here now."

But when Leng Ye searched all over his body, he couldn't find the shadow of the scroll to return to the city, "Damn, I forgot to bring it. Could it be that I am dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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