Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 235 Killing

Chapter 235 Killing (2)

How could Leng Ye let them escape easily, he and Xiaobai cooperated very tacitly, and killed three mages and two priests (who made them run slowly with little blood, hehe!).In the end, another swordsman and a knight were killed, and Leng Ye realized that there were no people around, and the battle was over.

I don't know if it was that group of people who were unlucky or Leng Ye was lucky, killed [-] people in total, unexpectedly revealed [-] pieces of equipment, all of which were not bad, Leng Ye smiled and collected them all.

"Little sister, wait for me at the south gate of the city, and tell your brother that the token has also been retrieved." Leng Ye called Bauhinia and said, and then Ce Hu flew to the city he had seen before.

They were all downcast in Hong Kong and Macau. They were hanged for no reason, and they were demoted two or three levels. How could they not be depressed.But Bauhinia, seeing Leng Ye, asked happily: "Brother Leng Ye, are you alright?"

Leng Ye took out the token and the equipment released by the group and handed them to Bauhinia, saying, "Do you think I have something to do? I snatched the token back, and these equipments were all obtained by killing them." .”

A group of people saw that the eyes of the equipment were shining, obviously much better than theirs, and the previous depression disappeared. Hong Kong and Macau also held the tokens and muttered to themselves: "The order of building a gang is really a gang building order." Lingye!"

"You killed them? Just you?" Kong Zai asked.

Leng Ye shook his head and said: "All? It's possible that they don't run away. You may not know that there are not many of those guys, only a dozen or so."

Gang Zai also roared angrily: "So there are only so few people, wow, if it wasn't for being plotted against, we might not be afraid of them."

Hong Kong and Macau shook their heads pragmatically and disagreed: "Aberdeen, that's not the case. It's because of their good equipment, high level, and tacit cooperation that they can kill us at the same time."

Leng Ye also nodded in agreement: "That's right, they are all very smart. When they saw that they couldn't beat them, they quickly split up. In this way, I only killed [-] of them, and the rest were successfully escaped!"

After that, a few of them started to share the spoils there, and once proved that the violence rate in the game is extremely low. The game has been played for so long, and most of the players rely on ordinary equipment to survive.

Leng Ye knew that those people would never give up, and he didn't want to cause trouble for them in Hong Kong and Macau, so he reluctantly said to Bauhinia: "Little sister, I'm leaving, this thing is for you!" Kissed on the lips, and turned the space ring again...

Seeing the flying tiger egg in Bauhinia's hand, everyone else was shocked, but Bauhinia was not excited, and her eyes became moist instead.

(End of this chapter)

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