Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 236 The Loch Ness Monster

Chapter 236 The Loch Ness Monster (1)

A burst of white light disappeared, and Leng Ye found himself in the woods of a cat. Without thinking about it, he summoned Xiaobai and rode into the sky.

Soon he came to the sky above a city. This city had a strong European classical atmosphere, but Leng Ye was not in the mood to appreciate it. A group of people stood at the gate of the city, and a few of them were looking up at Leng Ye, opening their mouths. talking about something.Leng Ye stared at it, only to realize that several people were the players he had killed.

"What a coincidence, they're all revived here, but... hehe!" Leng Ye was about to impress them, when suddenly, he found hundreds of people rushing towards him with their weapons raised high and cheering. .No matter how stupid Leng Ye is, he still knows what to do. It's not like he hasn't thought about it, but he obviously won't do it until he finds out the opponent's strength.

"Children! Don't be so grand!" Leng Ye shouted to the people below, and then ordered Xiao Baifei to go higher.

Leng Ye circled slightly over the city for a few times, and there were more and more players below, and the loud shouts made Leng Ye shiver in shock.

Suddenly seeing a few figures riding Pegasus, Leng Ye didn't dare to stay any longer, and rushed to the sky at high speed.

Leng Ye felt a little regretful that he had slaughtered those guys so quickly, he never thought that the place where the space ring landed this time was still in this island country.

No.1, the leader of the largest gang in the dignified China region, broke into another country alone. Although he doesn't know how and why, but he must have something that others want, such as artifacts, so, Cold nights aroused more interest.

"The temptation of money is always huge, but personal power is so weak! If in the China region, no one would dare to do anything to Leng Ye! But these simple-minded and well-developed foreigners can't control so much!" So, soon, no matter the guild individuals, they all came to this city like a tide.

Leng Ye shook his head with a wry smile, and flung away those Pegasus warriors as fast as he could, and flew forward.

"A good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses, life-saving is the most important thing. I have been reborn twice, and I don't want to start from the first level again. It's very hard (are you working hard? Every time you level up so fast. Hehe!). Wait for them to order If it doesn’t work, I can go offline to escape these days! Anyway, after fifteen days, the space ring can be teleported again, so I don’t believe it will still land here.” Leng Ye thought in his heart Calculated.Leng Ye looked down and saw a meandering mountain range stretching from southwest to northeast, layer upon layer, majestic. It is full of undulating peaks, looking from a distance, it looks like a vast expanse of green ocean.

Because it was overlooking from a high altitude, Leng Ye felt that the picture in front of him was a bit familiar. After thinking about it again, I understood that this mountain range should be the Grant Mountain Range on the map, and the main peak should be called Mount Nevis, which is located in the northern part of Scotland, England. .

(End of this chapter)

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