Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 237 The Loch Ness Monster

Chapter 237 The Loch Ness Monster (2)

From Nevis Mountain to the northeast to the vicinity of the city of Inverness, there is a world-renowned Scottish Grand Canyon. There are a series of slender and deep lakes in the valley. From west to east are: Loch Ness, Loch Loch, Oss lake.Originally, the three lakes were not connected to each other, and only the water of Loch Ness flowed northeastward into Murray Bay through the River Ness, while Lake Lodge and Loch Aussie were not connected to the sea.But because these three lakes are on the same line in the same canyon, the locals took advantage of this geographical feature and dug a canal called Caledonia to connect these three lakes and communicate with the Atlantic Ocean. Lorne Bay on one side and Murray Firth on the North Sea side have become important waterway traffic lines in northern Scotland.

Among the three lakes, Loch Ness is the largest and the deepest. It is about [-]-[-] meters deep. It is a freshwater lake and is not frozen all year round.It is suitable for living things to drink, so there are many fish and shrimps in the lake, and waterfowls gather here.The superior natural environment provides favorable conditions for the survival of monsters. The famous Loch Ness monster appears here, as well as other Loch Loch monsters, Loch Aussie monsters...

Leng Ye's geography is good, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he took his seat according to the number on the map.

"Xiaobai, let's go down and have a look, maybe we can see the Loch Ness monster!" Leng Ye ordered, and then commanded Xiaobai to fly to the westernmost lake.

A game is a game after all, and there is always a certain gap between it and reality. But when Leng Yezhi and Xiao Bai landed on the westernmost lake, he discovered a problem. The so-called "Loch Ness" is not in the canyon, but on the top of the mountain. Because of the visual difference at high altitude, he couldn't tell the difference before.This lake is much smaller than the real Loch Ness, and has an oval shape. It is not so much a lake as it is a super-large reservoir.At such a high position, the lake will burst if the mountain shakes slightly.Standing by the lake, I saw a lot of fish and shrimps in the cold night. The lake is surrounded by snow, but this lake is not frozen, which is really puzzling.

Leng Ye turned around and patted Xiao Bai, and said, "There's nothing fun, it's still this cold night, let's go."

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, he suddenly felt a powerful force hitting his back, which spurted him [-] meters away, excruciating pain.Just when Leng Ye thought he was going to die, he heard the system prompt.

System prompt: Heshibi brought you back to life.

"He's Bi? Leng Ye is puzzled. Isn't that something the system says can dominate the world? And it's divided into so many pieces. Is there a piece on me?" Leng Ye thought about checking his whole body, except for the seven fairies. Apart from that jade pendant, there is no other resembling jade.

"Could it be this jade pendant? Haha..." Leng Ye laughed loudly, not daring to think any further.

"If I don't die, you will have to pay the price." Leng Ye said coldly.

He turned around and found a huge monster on the lake, six or seven meters long, with a long neck and a small flat head, an oval body, and a long tail. It didn't look like any kind of aquatic creature. animal.

"The Loch Ness Monster? Could it be that this is the Loch Ness Monster?" Leng Ye checked the system notification, and sure enough, he saw the record that he was killed by this kind of animal just now, and the system gave it the same name It's indeed the Loch Ness Monster.

Since this is the Loch Ness Monster, the lake it is in is also Loch Ness.It's just why the lake came from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain. Is it the result of crustal movement?
In reality, Leng Ye would definitely risk his life to take a photo of Genesis with it, but this is a game, without a camera, he can only make a video, and he will have more face in front of his wives in the future.

After everything was over, Leng Ye began to think about how to kill this behemoth.

(End of this chapter)

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