Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 246 Rescue Snow White

Chapter 246 Rescue Snow White (1) ([-])
"Where are you selling regret medicine again?" Leng Ye secretly thought, he regretted that he was talking too much, but then he thought, even if he didn't say it, they would probably bring it up, so it seems that the meal just now should be a Hongmen banquet.

"It seems that this should be a task, maybe there will be some rewards" Leng Ye thought, and then asked: "What's wrong with Princess Snow White?"

"Young man Leng, the hateful ice silkworm killed the frog prince and insisted on marrying Snow White. Snow White would rather die than follow, and was frozen by him in the Ice Temple." The little idiot said.

"Damn, when the fairy tale was revised, another ice silkworm appeared. I don't know if it's strong or not. If it's strong, I won't fight, hehe!" Leng Ye thought about it, and said to the dwarves: "Ice silkworm Are silkworms powerful?"

"Very powerful, even the seven of us can't beat him together." The little idiot said.

Leng Ye was relieved a lot after listening to the little idiot's words. It seems that the seven dwarves fought against the ice silkworm, and even escaped from the ice silkworm. Seeing the seven dwarfs, Leng Ye became more confident and said : "I'm going to save Snow White, lead the way."

"Then thank you, Young Xia Leng!" The seven dwarfs stood up and said, and the old man with the white beard had already left at some point.


The seven dwarfs led the cold night through the orchard and came to a valley.

Leng Ye originally thought that Snow White was frozen nearby, but he didn't expect to have to walk so far, so he was too lazy to walk and had to ride on Xiao Bai's back.

"There are a lot of beasts haunting here, Young Master Leng, be careful!" Once entering the canyon, the little idiot reminded.

"Thanks, I'll keep an eye out"

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, several monsters with sheep's head and human body appeared beside him, and he was really shocked.

Leng Ye also wanted to see the strength of the seven dwarfs, so he didn't do anything.And Xiaobai didn't seem to dare to take risks with this kind of monster, even bumped and bitten to kill a few of them, and then stopped beating them.On the contrary, it was the little idiot who fought with the sheep-headed man with a broad ax as if he had drunk cow spirits.The little idiot only reached the waist of the sheep-headed man, but he was evenly matched in the fight, and he did not lose the wind.

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw that the little idiot had grown in size - the little idiot was using the warrior's advanced skill, madness, and after the madness, the little idiot was about the same height as the goat man, and he looked stronger than the goat man There are many, and even the ax in his hand is almost as big as a shovel.With a swing of the axe, the heads of the two sheep-headed men were separated from their bodies (bloody? I remember a friend in the book review section said it was very violent).

Just like that, the berserk little idiot opened the way in front, Leng Ye and Xiao Bai followed, and the other six moved forward in the rear.

After passing the goat man's territory, the kobolds appeared next.

Different from sheep-headed people, kobolds have no shame at all. "Male kobolds" are naked, while female kobolds only wear a pair of panties. Although Chest Leng Ye likes beautiful women, he is very disgusted with this kind of dog-headed monster. Command This Xiaobai kept rushing forward.

Under Xiaobai's rampage, the kobold who was hit immediately fell to the ground and died.The seven dwarfs were no longer interested in fighting, and ran forward on the bloody road blazed by Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)

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