Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 247 Rescue Snow White

Chapter 247 Rescue Snow White (2) ([-])
After passing the kobold's territory, the one that came out was a birdman.The reason why they are called birdmen is that they have a human body, but with a pair of wings on the back, a bit like Lei Zhenzi in the list of gods.The bird people here are also naked, and they look like women, but Leng Ye feels a lot more comfortable, after all, they all have human faces.

Bird people are also divided into ranks and ranks, which can be seen from the color of their hair.The red color should be the worst. It was shot by the broken bow of the little blacksmith among the dwarves and fell to the ground to die.The blue color is stronger, and you need to shoot three or four arrows.Purple is stronger.The strongest is the black color, maybe it is closer to the Han people! (Leng Ye: I even have a sense of national justice!!)
The birdmen are flying in the air, only Xiaobai and the little blacksmith can harm them, but it is not difficult to fight them.Especially Xiaobai, who has been with Leng Ye for so long and doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all. When he catches the bird man, he just scratches and bites.The beauties with the wings of the elders were instantly bloody and bloody, and fell to the ground immediately to die.

Under Xiaobai's fierce attack, the group quickly passed the birdman's gathering place and came to the werewolf territory.

"These werewolf heads can do magic!" the little fool quickly reminded.

Leng Ye commanded Xiaobai to rush towards a wolf-headed man who was holding up his magic staff, he slammed into it, and the wolf-headed man fell to the ground immediately, but he didn't die, Xiao Bai's two front feet immediately stepped on it, and the wolf-headed man immediately turned into a burst of white light , disappeared, and a copper coin exploded.

Looking at the copper coins that he had eliminated and used long ago, Leng Ye felt a little sick.But the little idiot picked it up, blew on the soil, and stuffed it into his pocket.

"It turns out that dwarves are also greedy for money!" Leng Ye sighed, "Maybe it's for Snow White to buy candied haws."

However, can a bunch of candied haws be bought for a copper plate?Khan~~~
The magic attacks of the wolf-headed people are relatively powerful. Although they can't cause too much damage to Leng Ye and Xiao Bai, the seven dwarfs are beaten in a hurry.As a last resort, the seven dwarfs all went berserk, and at some point there was a round shield in their hands.

The murderous wolf-headed dwarf with an ax in his right hand and a shield in his left and right was also struggling.And one spell of the werewolves can take away one-tenth of their lives. Fortunately, the seven dwarves can take blood medicine, otherwise they will definitely hang here.

In the end, Leng Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so he ordered Xiao Bai to rush over to help them solve them one by one.

The weakness of the seven dwarfs strengthened Leng Ye's confidence in fighting the ice silkworm and saving Snow White again.

(End of this chapter)

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