Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 258 The Birth of the Lazy Sword

Chapter 258 The Birth of the Lazy Sword (2)
"Okay! I want this one." Leng Ye replied immediately.

Next the dwarf started forging.

From Leng Ye's point of view, to forge a sword, one must have a furnace, a bellows, a hammer, a pair of tongs, and a pillow like a blacksmith.

But the actions of the seven dwarfs surprised Leng Ye.After the little idiot pressed a button on the wall, a circular lava pool appeared in the room. According to the little idiot, this was the magma that was used to melt the God Stone of Mending the Sky when Nuwa repaired the sky. The existence of this lava pool has achieved the dominance of the dwarves in the weapon world.Perhaps in this world, only the fire in this lava pool can melt the True Sun Stone.

Seven chairs were evenly placed around the lava pool. After the little idiot threw the real sun stone into the lava pool, the seven dwarves sat on the chairs and began to chant spells, and the weapon training officially began.

After a while, the magma in the lava pool began to roll, and the True Sun Stone jumped up and down with the magma, and jumped out of the magma surface from time to time...

The seven dwarfs sat for seven days, and Leng Ye stood aside, watching the real sun stone jumping up and down in the magma for seven days and seven nights.

The sun was scorching outside the cave, and the time gradually approached noon.

In the cave, the facial expressions of the seven dwarves also changed dramatically. They were flushed for a while, turned blue for a while, green for a while, and black for a while...

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw that the faces of the seven dwarves suddenly turned white, like lime powder, and then seven rays of light shot out from their bodies and shot into the lava pool.

After a while, the seven dwarfs seemed to be sucked dry. Their previous strong physiques were gone, and each of them became skinny and dying.

"Leng... Young Xia Leng, hurry... hurry, hurry, drop the blood into the lava pool." The little fool immediately said to Leng Ye.

Leng Ye took out the long sword and cut his finger.As soon as the blood touched the lava, it immediately dyed the fiery red lava pool purple, and the lava pool was boiling like boiling water.

" it this?" The little idiot sighed aside, while the other six dwarves also looked disappointed.

At the moment when noon came, the magma in the lava pool seemed to explode, blowing up the roof of the entire fairy forge, and the sunlight shone directly into the lava pool.

Fortunately, the explosion just now did not hurt Leng Ye and the seven dwarfs.After confirming that there were no major injuries, Leng Ye looked at the lava pool.

"Ah!" Leng Ye was taken aback.The magma in the lava pool is gone, only a sword stuck in the stone at the bottom of the lava pool.

This sword is almost exactly the same as the sample taken out of the ancient wooden box, except that the whole body of the sword is purple, which is quite different from the previous white.

"How could this be?" The seven dwarfs kept shaking their heads.

Leng Ye felt that the sword had a magical power, as if it was attracting him.He ignored the dwarf, walked straight over, jumped down the dry lava pool, and pulled out the sword with all his might.

System prompt: Please name this sword.

Leng Ye carefully played with the sword. This sword was much heavier than the previous sample. Leng Ye could clearly feel its weight—two thousand nine hundred and ninety kilograms by virtue of his precise grasping skills.

System prompt: Please name this sword.


The sword was held in Leng Ye's hand and swung freely, as if it had the same heart with him, hitting wherever he pointed.I don't know whether Leng Ye didn't hear the system's prompt or dismissed the system's prompt. After the system prompted three times, it stopped prompting, but the system automatically named the sword.

"Young Xia Leng, show me!" said the little idiot.

Only then did Leng Ye wake up from the excitement, and handed the sword into the hands of the little idiot.

The little idiot held the sword in his hand, laughed, and then sighed, "God's will! It's all God's will!"

"What's wrong? Did it fail? But it doesn't matter, this is already very good." Leng Ye asked.

The dwarf nodded and said: "It is true that the refining failed. The True Sun Sword is a sword of compassion. Although it is a rare magical weapon in ancient times, it never takes human life. And this sword... hey... I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s even possessed of a demonic nature… hey…”

The seven dwarves looked at the sword in turn, and finally handed it to Leng Ye again.

Leng Ye didn't know whether the sword was good or bad, so he quickly looked at the attributes of the sword.

Lazy Sword: Attack [-]-[-], [-] (percentage) chance of [-] times damage, [-] (thousandth) chance of [-] (percentage) damage, with skill [-]: Summon a little sun (summon a little sun to Restore the life of the sword user and teammates, and cause fatal damage to ice enemies.); Additional skill [-]: Summon the Loch Ness Monster (summon the mythical Loch Ness monster); Additional skill [-]: Summon ice silkworms (summon the mythical ice silkworms).The blood-extracting sword cannot be dropped, worn out, or stolen.

Leng Ye saw the word "Lazy Sword" and said to himself: "Why is this name? Even if I'm lazy, I don't need to say it!" But when he saw the call of the three perverts behind him, he couldn't help but hit, immediately fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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