Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 259 Conquering Snow White

Chapter 259 Conquering Snow White (1)
After a while, Leng Yezai woke up and murmured: "Lazy Sword, it really is a peerless magic weapon, the forging technique of the dwarves is really superb."

At this moment, Leng Ye also understood why the system said that he had subdued the Loch Ness Monster and the Ice Silkworm. It turned out that these two mythical beasts were subdued by the True Sun Stone, and the True Sun Stone belonged to Leng Ye. Naturally, it was him. Subdued two great beasts.But the two great beasts can be summoned by the lazy sword, which is far beyond his expectation.

As for the seven dwarfs, they were not happy.The True Sun Sword is a peerless and merciful sword. Although it is extremely sharp and powerful, it will not kill people.It is estimated that the summoning of the little sun should be a masterpiece of the seven dwarfs, but the summoning of the two monsters, the Loch Ness Monster and the ice silkworm, were beyond their expectations.As for the blade of the Lazy Sword changing from bright white to evil purple, in their words, it has a devilish energy attached to it, which is because of the blood extraction.Originally, the True Sun Sword did not need blood extraction, but in order to repay Leng Ye for saving his life, the seven dwarves deliberately let Leng Ye bleed, so that this attribute could be added so that Leng Ye could have the sword forever.However, they never expected that Leng Ye's body had undergone several transformations, and the blood flowing in his body was already tinged with demonic nature, but until now they probably would not know that the young hero Leng they spoke of would have such evil aura.

Leng Ye helped the seven dwarves out of the cave one by one, and returned to sit and rest in front of the dwarf tribe's temple.At this time, Snow White also came over.

Seeing the changes in the seven dwarfs, Snow White wept sadly.

"Leng...Young Xia, I have something to ask for your help. I don't know... I don't know Leng Shaoxia... would you like to help?" said the little idiot.

"Kill who? I am obliged!" Leng Ye said happily, he was eager to try the power of the lazy sword.

"'s not about killing anyone. Leng...young man, although the Lazy more powerful than the True Sun Sword, but...but, don't...don't use it lightly, the more you use...the more you use it, Your...your evil spirit...will get worse." The little idiot said with difficulty.

"Understood. What do you want me to do for you?" Leng Ye asked.

"We... the seven of us, our lives are not long... We know that only you, Leng... Young Hero, can protect the princess. The princess... the princess will be handed over to you," said the dwarf.

Leng Ye wanted to take the princess with her, but seeing her so weak, how could she fight and kill her!So he asked: "It's not that I don't want to help you. It's inconvenient for the princess to follow me if you want to travel through mountains and rivers!"

"Young Xia Leng, don't have to worry, you can turn the princess into your...your pet, and that's fine." The dwarf said.

"But my pet space is full." Leng Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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