Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 272 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 272: In South Korea (Part 3) ([-])
Leng Ye thought with his butt that this should be the leader of the Dahe Gang.But he also admired this gang leader enough, he was lazier than himself, and he didn't even participate in the battle with the third largest gang.Since they all have the same character, Leng Ye naturally wants to discuss with him, and immediately jumped off Xiaobai.

"Brother, this is the leader of our Dahe Society, Golden Rooster Independence. Boss, this is Leng Ye, Brother Leng, the leader of the largest gang in China." Yi Jiangnan introduced the two of them one by one.

Jinji Lili shouldn't be able to speak Chinese, so he said "powerless wala" a few times, and then made an astonishing movement - he threw the long sword in his hand to the ground, then held Leng Ye's hand with both hands, and couldn't stop trembling.

Leng Ye doesn't know much about etiquette, and he has always hated these red tapes.But now, since the other party knew his identity, he should represent the Sword Demon Shrine and even the entire China region, so naturally he couldn't lose his etiquette.Now that the other party "unleashed the sword", Leng Ye also followed the gourd's drawing and put the lazy sword back into the ring of space, and then held the golden rooster's independent hands with both hands.

Jinji laughed independently, and Leng Ye also laughed.

But at this moment, that familiar pain came from Leng Ye's back again, this time it was more intense than before.Leng Ye immediately understood that he had been fooled, and wanted to withdraw his hands from Jinji's independent hands, but was held tightly by Jinji's independent hands.

(End of this chapter)

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