Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 273 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 273: Fallen in South Korea (1) ([-])
"Xiaobai!" Leng Ye yelled, and as soon as he exerted force with his hand, Jinji was grabbed by Leng Ye.Holding Jinji's independent hand, Leng Ye used Jinji's independent body as a "weapon", turned around on the spot, and those who approached him were kicked down by Jinji's independent feet.

The whole movement was very coherent and completed in one go. What surprised everyone was that the whole process took less than [-] second.The speed made Jinji's independent mind go blank, and he didn't even make a sound.

As soon as Leng Ye loosened his big hand, the golden rooster "flyed" towards the city wall independently.

"Damn it! What kind of hidden weapon does Da He use, shit."

"Our Dahe Society is a cow!!!"

"The Great River Society really lives up to its reputation, no wonder it is able to become independent in our Great Cold Region."

The independent "flying" of the golden rooster has attracted the attention of all kinds of people in the field of vision. Whether it is the Elf Gang, the Dahehui or onlookers, they all think that this is the secret weapon of the Dahehui.They even believed that once this secret weapon came out, it would announce the demise of the Elf Gang.

Just when everyone thought that this secret weapon "flying" up the city wall would blow up the people on the city wall and even the entire city gate, the Golden Rooster Independence was at the "end of its strength" at this moment, slowed down, and stopped on the city wall , and had a "face-to-face" with the archer from the Elf Gang, but his face was facing the outside of the city.Coincidentally, he was standing on the stomp of the city wall with one leg, really posing an independent posture of a golden rooster.

"Damn it, the Dahe Society is too bullying. The leader is standing on the city wall of the Elf Gang. Look, everyone!!" The people watching the excitement outside saw this strange phenomenon first.

"Flying up, it's awesome. Flying man, Superman, I love you..." A dinosaur sister who was watching shouted loudly.

Perhaps the shouts from the outside reached the surprised members of the Dahe Society, and a small leader in the Dahe Society immediately shouted cleverly: "Long live the Dahe Society! Long live the Golden Rooster Independent Sect Leader!"

The others also reacted and shouted, and the morale of the Dahe Club reached an unprecedented high.

Look at Golden Rooster's independence again, being thrown by Leng Ye like that, he was scared out of his wits long ago.Being able to stand safely on the city wall of the Elven Gang was not only due to his developed cerebellum, but also due to his luck.Standing on the crenel on the wall of the Elf Gang, looking at the scene of frenzied fighting below, Jin Rooster didn't respond at all, he had already forgotten that this was a gang war.

The members of the Elf Gang were taken aback for a moment, but when the archers and mages on the city wall heard the cry of "Long live the Golden Rooster's Independence", they immediately understood that the person standing in front of them was the man with a human face and an animal heart. Jinji, the leader of the Dahe Society, who was despised by others and deserved to be cut to death, became independent.

(End of this chapter)

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