Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 274 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 274: Fallen in South Korea (2) ([-])
"Brothers, it's time for our archery group to make meritorious deeds. Everyone, shoot me hard..." A small captain on the city wall shouted loudly.

Then, the archers shot a volley of arrows, and shot into the golden rooster's independent body one after another...

"CAO, let the bow and arrow team do something again!!!" A man in a magic robe said angrily.

As soon as the Golden Rooster Independence fell, the morale of the Dahe Society immediately dropped to the extreme. They stared up at the city wall with dull eyes, and the weapons in their hands stopped dancing.

The members of the Elf Gang had their backs to the city wall. They didn't see the thrilling scene just now, and they resisted vigorously under the leadership of the group leader.These people are the last "city wall" of the Elven Gang. They are all elites among the elites, enough to fight ten against one.If it weren't for their stubborn resistance, if it wasn't for their loyalty to the Elf Gang, the city gate would have been broken long ago.Red-eyed, as soon as they saw the Dahehui's people distracted, they knew that an opportunity had come, and they resorted to their unique moves, attacking the Dahehui's vanguard knights, and rushed into the Dahehui's interior.Soon, the forward knights of the Great River Society were beaten to death, and scattered.The audience fell into unprecedented chaos.

You must know that although there are many occupations in the game, compared with the countless people, it is simply a drop in the bucket.So, their clothes are pretty much the same, the only difference is the gang logo on the front of their left chest.As soon as the members of the Elf Gang rushed into the crowd of the Dahe Society, although they were in danger all around, they could fight boldly with confidence because there were enemies everywhere.Although the members of the Dahehui have numbers, they can’t hack casually (since the game has entered the stage of autonomous operation, although the pain has decreased, it is very painful to be really injured. People from the same gang People accidentally hurt in guild battles, although they can't cause damage, but the pain will not be small, so this game is more real).Therefore, in the guild battle, avoid letting the enemy rush into the team, otherwise, the advantage in numbers will become very obvious.

With Leng Ye's unintentional move, he accidentally helped the Elf Gang. They were about to be defeated and saw a glimmer of light. The members of the Elf Gang who had given up due to being killed and demoted more in the city also joined the battlefield one after another.The battlefield suddenly became evenly matched.

Look at Leng Ye again, he threw the golden rooster far away in a fit of anger, although it achieved the purpose of shocking the people around him.However, two of them are right-hand men beside Jinji Independent, and they can be called masters regardless of equipment or level.The powerful generals under the leader of the largest gang in South Korea are definitely not far behind in strength.They quickly got up from the ground and pointed all kinds of weapons and skills at Leng Ye.

A good tiger can't stand against a pack of wolves, it's too late for Leng Ye to dodge.Although Xiaobai killed three of them in a rampage, Leng Ye was hit by four of them at the same time, so he was on the spot.

System prompt: Heshibi brought you back to life.

Leng Ye may have known this would happen a long time ago. As soon as he was resurrected, he quickly took out all the lazy swords from the ring of space, and used the "swirling sword" again on the few people he had killed together.

First, a few people were immersed in the joy of killing Leng Ye, and second, they seemed to be looking down for something, so they didn't find Leng Ye's resurrection.Perhaps because they were unprepared, they were hit by the lazy sword and suffered more injuries. Most of them were on the spot, leaving only Yi Jiangnan and a knight with a mustache.

(End of this chapter)

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