Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 276 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 276: Fallen in South Korea (2) ([-])
There are dozens of people behind these seven or eight people. Since they were all running wildly before, the people in front were entangled in silk and their speed dropped, and the people behind bumped into the people in front. It fell down, and the people behind also fell on the people in front, what a spectacular scene.

When he just summoned these three pets, Leng Ye was surprised to find that the skill "Summon Nessie" could be used, but the name of that skill changed to "Summon Mutant Loch Ness Monster" for some reason.Seeing that the archer behind had rushed over, Leng Ye couldn't help shouting: "Summon the mutated Loch Ness monster."

Then, a huge four-clawed monster fell from the sky and fell into the crowd.The hundreds of players under the behemoth immediately turned into bursts of white light and disappeared.

The cold night in the sky can clearly look at this huge monster, except for the four extra claws, it is simply a magnified Loch Ness Monster.However, Leng Ye would never have imagined that the Loch Ness monster had grown four legs, let alone how it had a body as big as a whale.

"The monster is here, the monster is here, everyone, fight!" Someone in the crowd shouted.In an instant, thousands of players from the Great River Club changed their targets and attacked the Loch Ness Monster.

The knights and warriors were in front, and the archers and magicians were behind. Countless swords, magic, bows and arrows ruthlessly hit the mutated Loch Ness monster without fear of losing their targets.

The mutated Loch Ness monster endured the pain, and with a sweep of its tail, dozens of players around it were immediately revived.

"Not good!" Leng Ye blurted out, the mutated Loch Ness Monster has a huge body and a large victim area.Although the blood bar is long, the speed of blood loss is also faster than that. According to Leng Ye's calculation, it will take less than [-] seconds for the mutated Loch Ness monster to die on the spot.

Although Leng Ye doesn't know how the mutated Loch Ness monster became like this, but he can be [-] sure that once the mutated Loch Ness monster dies, his level will be cleared to zero, and it will not be so easy to rise up at that time.For this reason, when the blood volume of the mutated Loch Ness monster was about to disappear, Leng Ye yelled "Shut up".The mutated Loch Ness monster just disappeared from everyone's eyes. Leng Ye looked at Lanjian and smiled.

As soon as the behemoth disappeared, the battlefield was surprisingly quiet.

"Look! Our guild leader! Long live the Golden Rooster Independent Guild Leader, long live the Golden Rooster Independent Guild Leader!" A man's shout broke the calm on the field.

Then, many people joined in, shouting: "Long live the Golden Rooster Independent Leader..."

Although Leng Ye couldn't understand their "bird language", he followed the gazes and gestures of the crowd, and saw that the golden rooster stood alone on the crenel on the city wall of the Elven Gang.

Although Leng Ye was busy with the battle just now, he could still understand that Da He would not capture the Elf Gang so easily.

"Why is the golden rooster still alive? Impossible? Unless it is revived in place. Resurrected in place? He's Bi? Does he have He's Bi?" Leng Ye thought, and his heart began to itch.

(End of this chapter)

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