Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 277 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 277: Fallen in South Korea (1) ([-])
"Why didn't he die? Impossible! Impossible!" The small captain of the elves' bow and arrow group on the city wall muttered to himself when he saw the "resurrected" Golden Rooster.

Still the captain of the magic troupe was clever, "Brothers, bomb me, bomb me."

Maybe it was because they lost to the bow and arrow group once before. The members of the magic group were smart and no longer used large-scale attack magic, but used small magic that almost didn't need to be chanted. Then, countless small fireballs, small water balls, small balloons, and small soil clods They shot at the golden rooster independently.

Dripping water becomes a river.As soon as these spells came out, no matter how good the independent equipment of the golden rooster was, no matter how high the level was, it would not be able to support such a large number, and would not be willing to fall down again.

"TNND, our magic group has finally made a contribution." Said the small leader of the magic group of the Elf Gang on the city wall.

At this time, the players in the "offstage" were already innocently fighting, and they were all watching the independent performance of the golden rooster on the city wall like watching a movie.

"Don't be afraid, the independent leader of the Golden Rooster will not die. Long live the independent leader of the Golden Rooster, long live the independent leader of the Golden Rooster." A person in the crowd shouted.

At this time, the others didn't agree with him, they were worried, and quietly looked at the city wall with extremely expectant eyes.

The miracle happened again, and the golden rooster stood up from the crenel of the city wall again independently.

"The opportunity is not lost, it's time to give it a go. Xiaobai, go." Leng Ye hurriedly shouted, and then ordered Xiaobai to fly towards the city wall.

"Friends of the Elf Gang, Jinji Lili has an immortal golden body, only I, Leng Ye, can kill him. Don't shoot arrows." Leng Ye shouted loudly in the sky.

Leng Ye spoke standard Chinese. If someone in the Elf Gang understands it, he may have a chance of survival. If no one understands it, he will be pierced by random arrows.

Leng Ye's voice was loud, and half of the archers on the city wall aimed at Leng Ye, on guard, while the other half stood alone against the golden rooster, waiting for orders.

Someone on the city wall whispered a few words to the captains of the bow and arrow group and the magic group. After that, all the swords and magic wands were aimed at Golden Rooster Independence.

"Master Leng, come down!" A voice came from the city wall, and Leng Ye could understand that it was Chinese.

Xiao Bai landed on the city wall smoothly.

"Master Leng, let's deal with the independence of the Golden Rooster first." A handsome bearded man said to Leng Ye.The archer immediately made way for Leng Ye.

"Okay!" Leng Ye walked into Golden Rooster.

Jinji alone saw Leng Ye coming over, and muttered something in his mouth.

"Master Leng, this dog thief said, "If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, and he has nothing to say. "

This big brother, you tell him "I will fight him one-on-one in a cold night!"

"Master Leng, this guy deserves to die, even a thousand arrows piercing his heart is not enough to relieve hatred, why bother..." said the bearded man.

"This big brother, he has a golden body of immortality, only I can kill him, you stand aside and watch." Leng Ye said.

The bearded man muttered a few words, and the soldiers of the bow and arrow group and the magic group all backed away, giving way to a [-]*[-] space.

Leng Ye held the lazy sword glowing with a frightening purple-black light, pointed at the golden rooster and said independently: "Draw the sword!"

Seeing that the golden rooster didn't make a move, the onlookers also booed and yelled something in unison.Although Leng Ye couldn't understand, those words were nothing more than words to cheer herself up or discourage Jinji's independence.

(End of this chapter)

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