Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 284 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 284: Fallen in South Korea (1) ([-])
"Brother, he bullied me!" Qiu Zimei pointed at Leng Ye as soon as she saw a bearded man.

Leng Ye vaguely remembered that this bearded man looked familiar, but he forgot where he had seen him before.He smiled wryly, it was not good to admit it, and it was not good not to admit it.But he knew that Qiu Zimei would definitely not have any malicious intentions, so he listened quietly to the following.

"Master Leng has no grudge against you, and is the benefactor of our Elf Gang, how could he bully you!" The bearded man said with a smile.

As soon as he heard the words "Master Leng Gang", Leng Ye remembered that this person was the bearded man he saw on the city wall of the Elf Gang.

"Brother, he really bullied me, look!" Qiu Zimei ran to Leng Ye's side, grabbed his arm, and pointed at his mouth.

Leng Ye touched her lips and felt that her lips were wet, but when she saw it, it turned out to be lipstick.

Cold night dizzy ~~~~
"Isn't it just lipstick? What does that mean!" asked the bearded man.

"Brother, that's my lipstick!" Qiu Zimei said, stomping her feet.

The bearded man is not really stupid, besides, someone told him that "Miss" and Leng Ye stayed in the room for more than an hour, alone and widowed, it's not normal if nothing happens.Although he knew that Leng Ye was Qiu Zimei's idol, he didn't expect that his younger sister would be... hey~~ But Leng Ye is the leader of the gang after all, and the benefactor of the Elf Gang, so the bearded man simply doesn't care about the relationship between men and women So he said very seriously: "Oh~~ It was you who insisted that Lord Leng go to your room to rest, and that you would take care of him personally and he would recover sooner. Put the lipstick in your room, Lord Leng touched some It's nothing!"

"Brother! How can a big man wear lipstick! Have you put it on? Think about it again, think about it carefully." Qiu Zimei said, pointing to her own lips as she spoke.

The bearded man pondered for a moment, then seemed to realize something, and said, "I see."

"I knew that big brother was the smartest, tell him quickly, quickly, quickly!" Qiu Zimei said anxiously.

"I think it's like this: Lord Leng was hooked by the dog thief Jinji Independent, and he lost a lot of blood and passed out. He must be thirsty when he wakes up, but there is no water in the room...he searched and searched, and finally found it. A piece of lipstick, although it can't quench your thirst, can also temporarily stop the dryness of your lips... But, who knows that this lipstick is not a lipstick but a lipstick. When he found something wrong, Master Leng just wanted to wipe it off. You I also know that lipstick is not easy to wear, so I just..." The bearded man said patiently.

Leng Ye admired the bearded man's ability to make up stories, and was a little grateful to him. Looking at the angry Qiu Zimei who was on the sidelines, and listening to the bearded man's words, he almost didn't laugh.

And the bearded man kept looking at Leng Ye secretly. What surprised him was that he didn't see any embarrassment or guilty conscience on Leng Ye's face, and he admired Leng Ye three points from the bottom of his heart.

"Humph! Brother, don't tell me. The lipstick on his mouth is from me. I knew that he would be thirsty after he lost a lot of blood, so I gave him a thousand-year-old snow grits soup. But I didn't expect I kindly gave him soup, but he molested me and robbed me of my first kiss, woo woo woo~" Qiu Zimei leaned against Leng Ye while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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