Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 285 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 285: Fallen in South Korea (2) ([-])
The bearded man really couldn't do anything about his favorite little girl, he wanted to open his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Since both brothers and sisters have performed, I will feel sorry for myself if I don't say a few more words." Thinking to himself, Leng Ye said: "I am Leng Ye, I don't know how to call this elder brother."

"Oh, my name is Qiu Dongliang, Zimei's eldest brother." The bearded man said immediately.

"It's Brother Qiu! I've seen you for a long time. If I remember correctly, you are the famous and handsome guy who commanded the magic troupe and the bow and arrow troupe to kill the enemy bravely and decisively in the battle of defending the city." Leng Ye patted his horse. , he thinks so, since he "bullied" his sister, of course he has to say something nice.From Leng Ye's point of view, the two brothers and sisters are also spoof characters.

"Governor Leng is overwhelmed. Since I founded the Elven Gang, today is the most depressing, and the happiest is today..." Leng Ye's flattery worked, and Qiu Dongliang began to talk endlessly.

When Qiu Zimei heard that the topic was cleverly changed by Leng Ye, her angry eyes almost popped out, but she must ask her elder brother for an explanation in front of Leng Ye today (is this sentence weird?), and interrupted Qiu Dong just in time. Liang, said: "Brother, you are so powerful, shouldn't you also have a brother-in-law who is equally powerful!"

"Of course, of course." Qiu Dongliang agreed.

"Brother, you also know that our family rules are very strict, especially for girls who are consistent. Brother Leng...he bullied me, you have to make decisions for me!" Qiu Zimei said while tugging on Qiu Dong Bright placket.

Qiu Dongliang looked helplessly at Leng Ye.

"Brother Qiu, please listen to me. It's actually a misunderstanding. When I woke up just now, my head was still a little dizzy, and I felt in a daze that someone came in and sat by the bed. I thought it was one of my wives, so I made a mistake." Disrespectful behavior to my sister. However, this is really an unintentional mistake, no matter how Brother Qiu punishes me, I will have no complaints." Leng Ye said, he said this for two reasons, one is to tell them that the two brothers and sisters have something wrong with them. As for the wife, although polygamy can be practiced in the game, he still needs to explain it to them both; secondly, he is hoping for a miracle with a fluke mentality.

"Since it was an unintentional mistake, how can I blame Lord Leng!" Qiu Dongliang said with a smile.

"Brother!!!" Qiu Zimei was very anxious.

Perhaps because he was afraid of offending the younger sister, Qiu Dongliang said again: "Master Leng, our family has a family rule: girls in the family are not allowed to have any physical contact with any man except parents, brothers and sisters before they are married, otherwise, she will be killed." to marry that man."

"Damn! It's ridiculous in what era this is. Such 'family rules' would appear in a relatively developed capitalism." Leng Ye thought to himself, and then thought of Qiu Zimei's "boudoir" where she was plastered all over. Leng Ye said to the two of them: "Brother Qiu, Miss Zimei, to tell you the truth, I really want to marry Miss Zimei, but I already have a wife, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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