Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 287 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 287: Fallen in South Korea (1) ([-])
There are three tables in total in the banquet hall, each table has eight seats.There were already five people sitting at the table in the middle, and the other two tables were full.In the dimly lit hall, everyone present was exuding nobility, but Leng Ye's shabby equipment was incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene.

"This is the head of our elf gang magic group, this is the head of the bow and arrow group, this is the head of the knight group... this is..."

After sitting down, Qiu Dongliang introduced them to Leng Ye one by one.It may be because Leng Ye saved the Elf Gang, they all respect Leng Ye very much and are very polite.If they could speak Chinese, they would definitely say a compliment, but it's a pity that they couldn't understand Leng Ye's language, and Leng Ye couldn't understand their language either.

Wine is the most basic and indispensable thing for entertaining guests. Therefore, most people here come to accompany the wine, and their drinking capacity is naturally not much worse.

What they made Leng Ye drink today is a strong liquor called "Seoul Daqu", which is high in alcohol and high in alcohol.If you change the time and place, Leng Ye will regard these things as dog urine or cat urine.However, according to Qiu Zimei, this wine is the most expensive wine they have known in the game, and it is deeply loved by Korean players.

There is another reason why Leng Ye said that this wine is dog urine or cat urine.Because he has received special training in Nether Ghosts, no matter how strong it is, his mouth will not be strong enough, so drinking in cold nights can only taste the sweetness and mellowness of the wine, so he is used to the traditional fine wine in China, and for him Spirits like "Seoul Daqu" that are purely a drink to please people have no interest.

After drinking three cups together, everyone began to toast to Leng Ye.But after one round, Leng Ye looked as good as ever, without any sign of drunkenness.So they came again...Leng Ye is still fine, they have another round...

By the end of the sixth round, Leng Ye was still drunk, but everyone else was down, even Qiu Dongliang was no exception.The only ones sober at the moment were Leng Ye and Qiu Zimei, who hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol.

Leng Ye suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in his body. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he wanted to pee, which had never happened before.

The world here has become more and more real and unbelievable since the game went into autorun.You can stay in the game without eating or drinking for a few months (mainly thanks to the game virtual helmet and the game room), but if you eat a lot and drink a lot in it, you need to solve some normal physiological needs .

"I don't know if there will be such a job as a excrement worker in the future?" Leng Ye sneered, "Where do I go to the toilet?" As far as he knows, there was no such special building when Sword Demon City was first built.

Seeing how uncomfortable Leng Ye was clutching her swollen belly, Qiu Zimei said empathetically, "Brother Leng, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Leng Ye nodded.

After a while, Qiu Zimei took Leng Ye back to the previous familiar room - Qiu Zimei's boudoir.Only then did Leng Ye realize that this is an apartment-style building, and of course there are toilets inside.

Suddenly, Leng Ye had a bad idea, wanting Qiu Zimei to help her go to the bathroom.So, the moment he opened the toilet door, he fell to the ground.

"Brother Leng, what's wrong with you." Qiu Zimei hurried over to help Leng Ye up.

"It's okay... nothing... nothing... I'm not drunk." Leng Ye said with eyes half-opened and half-closed.

"Then lie on the bed and rest!" Qiu Zimei said.

"Go...go to the toilet." Leng Ye said in a daze.

"Then you slow down." Qiu Zimei helped Leng Ye open the door of the toilet, watching Leng Ye staggering in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Leng Ye entered, he fell to the ground again.

"Hey~~Brother Leng, I really don't know what I owed you in my previous life. I just met you for less than a day..." Qiu Zimei muttered in her heart, and walked into the toilet...

In short, Leng Ye went to the bathroom for the first time in the game with the help of Qiu Zimei.

Acting to the end, the next step is of course Leng Ye begging Qiu Zimei for the first time with the help of "Jiu Jin" and "drowsy".It was also because of Leng Ye's "drunkness" that Qiu Zimei cooperated in everything on the bed, even her shyness was reduced to the extreme.

However, Qiu Zimei had a strange feeling that many of Leng Ye's performances were not like what a drunk could do.When it was dawn, this strange feeling had long been covered up by the "wonderful feeling" that Leng Ye brought her last night.

(End of this chapter)

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