Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 288 Falling into the South Korean Area

Chapter 288 Falling In South Korea ([-])
Qiu Zimei has become Leng Ye's treasure, no matter where Leng Ye goes, she will follow her, and Leng Ye is also willing to take her with her.It was Qiu Dongliang, the brother-in-law, who knew each other well and held a "century wedding" in Korea for them. This not only announced the status of Leng Ye and Qiu Zimei as "legal husband and wife", but also announced to the players in the entire Korea area that the Elf Gang and the sword The Devil's Palace will become a gang of brothers in the future.It was also because of Qiu Dongliang's wise move that no one would dare to think about the Elf Gang for a long time to come.

Accompanying Leng Ye, Qiu Zimei visited the entire elf gang's residence. Although some places made Leng Ye feel refreshed, but overall, this B-level residence was several grades lower than the Sword Demon Palace. Otherwise, Qiu Dong Liang would not use the banner of the Sword Demon Shrine to pretend to be a tiger.

Tired of staying in the city, Leng Ye proposed to go out of the city for a walk. At first, many people objected, fearing that people from the Dahe Society would make trouble for Leng Ye, but when Qiu Zimei performed her special skills, everyone was relieved.It turns out that Qiu Zimei is a player with a hidden profession, but her profession is actually a beautician.It was only at this time that Leng Ye realized why there were so many bottles and jars in Qiu Zimei's room.

After learning that Qiu Zimei had this unique skill, Leng Ye immediately touched Qiu Zimei's face indiscriminately, not caring about the eyes of other people around her.

Qiu Zimei was determined to marry and obey her husband, and let Leng Ye be frivolous, but his brother Qiu Dongliang was a little embarrassed, and immediately ordered everyone to leave.But before they had gone far, they heard Leng Ye say: "You don't have makeup on!" In this way, they all came back again, after all, anyone would be worried that they would marry a "fake beauty"!
Qiu Zimei's words also dispelled Leng Ye's thoughts, that is, "doctors don't heal themselves."

Just when Leng Ye was going to take Qiu Zimei to level up in the low-level monster area outside the city, he discovered another big secret of Qiu Zimei——Qiu Zimei was at level [-], which was the highest level that Leng Ye had seen besides himself. players.When Leng Ye asked the reason for Qiu Zimei's crazy leveling, he was even more moved, because Qiu Zimei's answer turned out to be that she wanted to cross the border to meet Leng Ye as soon as possible.

The surprise that Qiu Zimei brings to Leng Ye is far more than that.What surprised and envied Leng Ye the most was that Qiu Zimei's weapon turned out to be a mirror that girls must have.This mirror called "beauty mirror" is similar to the "yin and yang mirror" in ancient Chinese mythology. It is divided into two sides. The mirror surface is the size of a moon cake.Don't underestimate this mirror, the positive side is group damage, and the negative side is single target damage.As long as the switch on the mirror is turned on, no matter day or night, the sunny side can emit a dazzling red light to attack the enemy, and all enemies illuminated by the red light will lose blood at the rate of "player level * [-]" per second, regardless of defense; the dark side It can emit a frightening black light (whether the black light is light or not) to attack the enemy, and the enemy targeted by the black light will lose blood at the rate of "level * [-]" per second, which also ignores defense.

For example: a level [-] knight with full blood points, assuming that his initial attribute points are full ([-]) and does not wear any blood-boosting equipment, then he can have [-] lives.If he is constantly illuminated by the dark side of the mirror, then he can only last for [-] seconds.However, there are almost no knights with such a full blood point, which shows the power of the beauty mirror.Look again, if a [-]-level warrior with full strength plus points is allowed to attack the knight, if the weapon used by the warrior and the equipment of the knight are not considered, and the warrior's attack ignores defense, then his attack will cause almost [-] damage. melee damage.Calculated in this way, Qiu Zimei's attack is comparable to a full-strength level [-] fighter.However, such fighters are few and far between.

Another advantage of Qiu Zimei is that her beauty mirror is different from the mage's continuous magic, it is not affected by the user's movement state (the theory of relativity does not apply to this mirror, hehe!), that is to say, whether Qiu Zimei stands still, Walking, flying, riding a horse, sitting in a sedan chair, or even lying down, as long as the mirror shines on the enemy, it can cause the same damage.

In the game, for ordinary players who are not knights, their mounts only have the function of manned flight, but they can't make a difference on the mounts.Take magicians as an example, they cannot cast magic while riding a horse.This point has not changed after the game enters autonomous operation. This may be a balancing measure of the game.

What is common is what is special. Although Leng Ye is not a knight, he is better than a knight. He can fly around on the seraph tiger king, and his attack on the back of the tiger will not be affected in any way.Since the beauty mirror is not affected by the state of movement, its owner Qiu Zimei can naturally attack it on horseback.

Since the existence of human society, there has been no fairness in this world, "survival of the fittest, elimination of the unfit".What primitive society?That's just a fantasy, no one has seen it, and besides, people at that time couldn't really be counted as human beings! (Going off topic, sorry.)
After understanding the characteristics of the beauty mirror, Leng Ye brutally killed the white horse under Qiu Zimei's crotch (the mount will lose its loyalty when it is killed, and it will defect when the loyalty is below [-], you can keep it if you want) Can’t stop), she was so distressed that she shed tears.That white horse was a rank [-] purebred white horse that she begged her brother to buy with [-] gold coins, but she didn't, and she dared not blame Leng Ye for marrying her husband!
When Leng Ye summoned Xiao Bai and gave Qiu Zimei a four-winged flying tiger egg, the little girl wiped her tears and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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