Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 300 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 300 Dealing with the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
It turned out that a few days ago, Sword Demon Shrine received reliable news that a gang named Heart K in Japan had completed a special mission, which could launch an attack on any gang in other countries. All the prestige of the gang, and can use the captured gang as a resident of this gang.So they pointed their target at the Sword Demon God's Palace. The personal prestige of the guild leader is a small matter, but the international prestige (reputation) is a big matter.It is said that they can come to a total of 10 people this time, and not only players from King of Hearts can participate, but also players from other gangs can be invited to participate. Therefore, it can be said that they are all elites this time.

Sword Demon Shrine is not afraid of Heart K, on ​​the contrary, Heart K is just an upper-middle gang in Japan, not at the same level as Sword Demon Shrine.Furthermore, even if all the gangs in Little Japan are added together, they may not be the opponent of Sword Demon Shrine. You must know that the Tokyo Massacre is inevitable. A well-established team to deal with Japanese pirates.

Since the Sword Demon God Palace is not afraid, why did the poor young man create such a chaotic situation that the Sword Demon God Palace besieged?It is said that this situation has continued for several days.

Just because the Sword Demon God's Palace is not afraid, the Lost Young Master is worried that they will not attack the Sword Demon God's Palace, but attack other gangs instead.Although civil war is inevitable, it is also a battle between brothers. Once the Japanese pirates attack, Chinese men will definitely unite to deal with foreign enemies.In fact, this kind of international gang dispute has risen to an international perspective, and there is no room for loss. Since they dare to come, they must not be allowed to go back alive, and they must not be allowed to take any advantage. These are the major cities in China. The results of the unanimous discussion of the gang leaders.

The system has such a setting that once a gang is allied with another gang or several gangs, as long as other gangs attack this gang, if they succeed, the gangs of these alliances will suffer losses at the same time. The loss accounted for one half, and the other half was shared equally by the alliance gang, which was only available after the system entered automatic operation.In this sense, the system prefers that wars between gangs are large-scale and multifaceted. The more gangs there are, the less losses will be suffered by the participants in the alliance gangs (this less is relative, the overall loss Of course it will be bigger, which is also a magic weapon for the system to accumulate wealth).In addition, as long as any party in the alliance gang is attacked, all alliance gangs can stand up and resist until the attacking party or one of the two attacked gangs dies.If the attack target is selected at the beginning, then as long as the target gang is captured, the siege battle will end; if the attack target is not selected in advance, but a random gang is attacked, then only this gang can defeat the attacked party. All alliance gangs or this gang is captured, and the gang battle ends.

(End of this chapter)

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