Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 301 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 301 Dealing with the King of Hearts (2) ([-])
One advantage of siege battles between gangs is that dead players will only randomly drop equipment and levels, and there will be no other losses.In the past, there were no red names in siege battles.Now, although the restriction on red names has been removed, something called "international reputation" has been added.Random killing in siege warfare will not have any impact on "International Reputation", on the contrary, killing people outside will drop "International Reputation".As for what "international prestige" is, although no one knows at the moment, they can all guess that it will be of great significance to the future national war.

In a situation where the enemy is clearly passive and the enemy is passive, it might not be a good idea to use vague tactics to make the enemy confused and unable to attack.Therefore, after the proposal of the Lost Young Master and the unanimous approval of the main members of the Sword Demon God's Palace gang, they discussed with the gang leaders and deputy gang leaders of the other major cities, and finally drew up a plan, and decided that the leaders of the major gangs would lead a gang To attack the Sword Demon God's Palace, of course it's not a real fight.The main forces of other gangs keep in touch with their respective gangs at any time and can return to the city for help at any time.

If this illusion is not seen through by the other party, the other party will definitely take this opportunity to take down the Sword Demon God Palace in one fell swoop. Of course, even if the opponent's [-] people are all elites, the Sword Demon God Palace can handle it.It would be even better if the other party sees it through, so that they will consider whether the sword demon palace's move is false or real?And there are likely to be two factions among them - one faction supports the continued attack on the Sword Demon God's Palace, and the other advocates not to attack the Sword Demon God's Palace, so that their offensive morale will not be so strong, and internal strife will arise if they encounter setbacks , such a team does not have much attack power.I have to admit that skepticism is a problem that most people in the world are prone to commit, and it is also a problem that many smart people are prone to commit. Such a result will only make them hesitate, or choose an answer at random—if this If the answer is incorrect, it is wrong.

Firstly, they don't know when the opponent will attack, and secondly, they don't know where the opponent is attacking. Therefore, this move of the leadership core of the Sword Demon Palace headed by Young Master Luo is indeed of great significance.

After listening to Shuang'er's explanation, Leng Ye felt that his head was a little swollen, because everything was too complicated, and he was too lazy to think about it. There are four people in the Sword Demon Palace, including Young Master Luo, Jin Dao, Xuemei and Shuang'er. In the cold night, you can just let go and be happy.So Leng Ye tried to propose to resign from the position of leader, but was immediately opposed by Shuang'er.

"Husband, if you dare to resign, I don't need to take action, and the brothers in the gang will not agree from top to bottom." Shuang'er said.

"How do you say that?" Leng Ye was puzzled, eager to look in the mirror and see why he was so attractive.

"Honey, the soul of the gang can be a lunatic, a fool, or you..." Shuang'er said.

"Stop!!! Am I crazy or a fool? Why do you speak so badly!" Leng Ye retorted.

(End of this chapter)

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