Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 314 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 314 Dealing with the King of Hearts (3) ([-])
No more wrestling, Leng Ye has no choice but to look forward to Xiaobai flying back soon.

After a quarter of an hour, two black dots faintly appeared in the direction of Mt. Fuji, one in front of the other, slowly getting bigger.Soon, Xiaobai's figure appeared in front of Leng Ye, followed by the clear water golden eyed beast.

"Xiaobai, hurry!!!" Leng Ye ordered.

"Come on, clear water! Come on, clear water!" Tojo Yin Ji also shouted loudly.


In the end, Xiao Bai overwhelmed Tojo Yin Ji with a body advantage and won the mount competition.

Watching Xiaobai bouncing around, Leng Ye suddenly heard a familiar call, which was from the golden-winged roc: "Boss, Xiaobai said that there are too many monsters on the mountain, he is a little scared, fly away." We'll be back halfway up the mountain..."

Leng Ye was shocked at first, and then laughed loudly: "God's will! God's will!"

Look at Dong Tiao Yin Ji again, looking at the Bishui Golden Eyed Beast, sighing: "Impossible! Impossible! Bishui is the fastest flying beast..."

"Miss Yin Ji, do you want to compete in the second round? If you don't compete, you will admit defeat!" Leng Ye asked, stroking Xiaobai's slippery hair.

"No more...compar... no more...comparison!" Tojo Yinji didn't dare to admit defeat, but she didn't want to be treated lightly by Leng Ye, so she was hesitant.

"Let's do this! Seeing that you are a girl, I won't make things difficult for you, so let's go!" Leng Ye said.

Tojo Yin Ji originally wanted to retreat, but when she heard Leng Ye's words, her stubbornness of not admitting defeat came up again, and she said: "Compare, no one is afraid of you!"

Before Leng Ye could make a move this time, Tojo Yin Ji's two arms came up and wrapped around Leng Ye's neck, trying to pull Leng Ye to the ground.

After experiencing ghosts and ghosts, Leng Ye has developed a strong body, he is as heavy as a rock when standing still.From Leng Ye's point of view, Tojo Yin Ji is now "a gnat may shake a big tree".

Leng Ye didn't move, but Dong Tiao Yin Ji's face was flushed, and the faint fragrance from her body floated into Leng Ye's nose, making Leng Ye fall into daydream.With this distraction, Tojo Yinji actually threw Leng Ye to the ground.Fortunately, there was grass on the ground, so Leng Ye didn't hurt too much from the fall.

In order to win, Tojo Yin Ji also ignored the image of a lady, riding on Leng Ye's body, waiting for [-] seconds to come.

Because Tojo Yin Ji's butt was sitting on Leng Ye's waist, when Leng Ye moved a little, her butt slid down to Leng Ye's crotch. "Pervert!!!" Tojo Yinji felt the changes in Leng Ye's body, her two arms beat Leng Ye's chest desperately, but her buttocks did not move.

Leng Yesexin unexpectedly forgot that it was a wrestling, and her waist was still straight up...

(End of this chapter)

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