Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 315 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 315 Dealing with the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
Suddenly, Leng Ye heard a system prompt: [-] seconds is up, Leng Ye loses, Tojo Yin Ji wins.Obviously, Tojo Yin Ji also received the same prompt.

Leng Ye sighed, but heard Dong Tiao Yin Ji say: "Pervert! You lost!"

Seeing Tojo Yin Ji's smug blushing face, Leng Ye laughed and said, "Haha!! I lost!"

Seeing that Leng Ye was so happy to lose, Tojo Yinji was very angry, and immediately understood the reason, and said angrily: "Don't tell what happened today! Otherwise, I will make you die!"

"Why are you pretending to be innocent, you Japanese women are not the same, you make a living by selling, you are so flirtatious!" Leng Ye muttered softly.His voice was very small, but it was still heard by Tojo Onhime.

"Pa!", Tojo Yin Ji slapped Leng Ye and said, "Don't compare me with those women!"

Leng Ye touched the hot face that was beaten, and said angrily: "I, Leng Ye, never hit women, get out! Get out!"

Leng Ye's voice was so loud that it frightened Tojo Yin Ji, she lost her mind and was at a loss for a moment.

After a long time, Tojo Yin Ji whispered: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. I... I'm not Japanese!"

Tojo Yin Ji said something astonishing, Leng Ye was startled, and asked: "Not Japanese? What evidence do you have?" Tojo Yin Ji sat next to Leng Ye, took off her shoes, and pointed to the little toe of her right foot Said: "Look!"

Leng Ye really saw that there were two toenails, one big and one small, on the little toe of Tojo Yinji's right foot, and he also confirmed that he was not mistaken.This is a unique characteristic of talents in Shanxi and Shandong provinces in China. Leng Ye began to believe Tojo Yinji's words.Asked: "Why are you in the Japanese area?"

Tojo Yin Ji said: "My father once went to Japan for business and met a Japanese woman, and then he was hooked by that bad woman. My mother was... pissed off after knowing this. At that time, I I’m only [-] years old. Evil comes with evil, that bad woman has promiscuous sex, she has too many abortions and can’t have children, my heartless father took me back to live in Japan..."

Tojo Yin Ji cried and told Leng Ye about her family affairs.She doesn't like Japan, especially hates Japanese women, and has always dreamed of leaving Japan, no matter where she goes.Leng Ye also knew her real name: Zhang Jingru.

After listening to Tojo Yin Ji's words, Leng Ye's anger gradually dissipated, and he gradually felt pity for her.

(End of this chapter)

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