Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 318 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 318 Responding to the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
The three artifacts released by the five Hattori brothers are: a ring, a bracelet and a dagger.

Invisibility ring: an artifact that allows the wearer to remain invisible. It will be invalid after [-] minute of active attack. It will not be effective against divine beasts. It can be discovered by the advanced detection skills of thieves and archers and the advanced holy light skills of priests.The effective time interval between two times is [-] minutes.

Clone Bracelet: An artifact that can create [-] clones with a strength of [-]% (percentage). The clones can be controlled by the mind. The clones cannot use the skills attached to the weapons and equipment. The cooldown time of the skills is half an hour.

Knife Dagger: Artifact, attack [-]-[-], ignore defense, [-] (percent sign) chance to cause the opponent to be poisoned (after poisoning, blood drops at a rate of [-] points per second), [-] (percent sign) chance to triple attack , [-] (percent sign) [-] times attack, [-] (thousand percent sign) chance to kill in one hit.

After reading the attributes of the three artifacts, Leng Ye was a little disappointed, because none of them can recognize the master with blood (fuck, if you can recognize the master with blood, can you burst out?).Putting the knife and dagger into the ring of space, putting on the ring of invisibility and the clone bracelet, Leng Ye silently recited the skills of the clone, and sure enough, three identical "Shadow Leng Ye" holding lazy swords appeared in front of his eyes.Leng Ye looked at the attributes of the shadow Leng Ye, almost all of them are [-]% of his own, but the sum of three is enough to surpass two and he is stronger.

Leng Ye has his own lazy character, he hopes that his strength will be strong, but at the same time he doesn't want to confront the enemy himself, so in the future these three clones will be the ones to help him defend against the enemy besides Xiaobai and the four summoned objects. Another great magic weapon.

Leng Ye was a little surprised by the speed of the battle just now, not because he was low-key, but because the Hattori five were also the masters of the largest gang in Japan. Their strength should be good, and the battle ended in just a few minutes. , seems to be a bit too fast. "Why don't they use the avatar bracelet?" Leng Ye was full of doubts.Perhaps Hattori Hanzo was too confident in his own strength and looked down on Leng Ye a bit. When the three of them died, he put on the invisibility ring to protect himself.If he is cloned in the stealth state, he will be completely exposed to Leng Ye's lower eyelids for [-] minutes, which is tantamount to suicidal.Therefore, he took out the knife and dagger, ready to attack Leng Ye.At that time, Leng Ye's pets (summons) were far away from him. If Hattori Hanzo could cause huge damage to Leng Ye or cause Leng Ye to be poisoned, he could clone and attack Leng Ye with all his strength to surprise Leng Ye, maybe If you can succeed, you will fulfill your mission.It's a pity that Hattori Hanzo's wishful thinking was wrong. Under the strong light of the little sun, the invisibility ring lost the invisibility ring, so that his secret actions were completely exposed to Leng Ye's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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