Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 319 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 319 Dealing with Heart King (2) ([-])

At this moment, the five Hattori brothers were extremely depressed at the resurrection point of Ruby City (the location of the Ruby gang, the largest gang in Japan). (Note: The Japanese words below have been translated into Chinese)
"Brother, it's all your fault. You said that we can't lose the spirit of bushido in our Great Japanese Empire, and we have to have a fair duel with Leng Ye, which made us lose so badly."

"Yeah! Brother, if you put on the invisibility ring from the beginning, and let the four of us attract Leng Ye's attention, with the [-]-minute advantage of the invisibility ring alone, we can kill Leng Ye's dog without any effort .”

"I can't blame Big Brother, after all, Leng Ye is too strong. Looking at his strange pets, we can't deal with them."

"Especially that big ice silkworm. Not only did the silk spit out trap me and immobilize me, but it also lost more than [-] of my blood every second. Thinking about it now, it's terrifying."

"Can't a person only have one mount and one pet? Why does Leng Ye have five? Is it a bug, should we report it?"

"Fuck!!! Report your size, there is a reason for him to exist, you don't feel ashamed enough!!!"

"Then what should we do now? Do we want to go back for revenge?"

"Revenge? Where are you going? Is it the place just now? Do you think Leng Ye will be as stupid as you! Waiting for us to kill."

Hattori Ichizo, Erzo, Sanzo, and Sizo were noisy, but Hattori Hanzo did not speak.

"Brother, what happened to you today? Why didn't you say a word. Although we were killed by level [-], we brothers can still afford to lose. Do you have an idea!" Hattori Kazuzo asked.

Hattori Hanzo's expression was very ugly, and he said after a long time: "The three great artifacts exploded!"

Hattori Hanzo's voice was very small and deep, but it reached the ears of the four of them like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it even shattered the eardrums.

"Brother, are you kidding?" Hattori Kazuzo asked in an unbelievable tone.

"The avatar bracelet, the invisibility ring, and the sword dagger are all gone." Hattori Hanzo said in a low voice, the Bushido spirit had long been thrown away without a trace.

"Could it be because we killed too many people yesterday?" Hattori Erzang asked.

"This... How is this possible? It's not that the red name has been cancelled, so how could it explode so many at once." Hattori Sizang said.

"Let's think about how to explain to the gang leader!" Hattori Kazuzo said.

"There is nothing to explain. The gang rules clearly stipulate that any artifact in the lost gang must commit suicide by caesarean section (suicide returns to zero level), expel the gang, and become the eternal sinner of Ruby." Hattori Erzang said.

"Is there no other way?" Hattori Sizo asked.

"Unless you kill Leng Ye back to level zero first!" Hattori Erzang replied.

"Brother, you are usually very kind to us. Our five brothers have always advanced and retreated together. We will commit suicide together with you, and then we will practice together." Hattori Kazuzo said to Hattori Hanzo.

"Yes! Big brother, we brothers advance and retreat together." The other three also echoed.

Hattori Hanzo patted Hattori Izuzo on the shoulder, looked at the other three, and said, "Thank you! Thank you brothers for your support! However, today's incident was caused by me alone, and I lost the three artifacts alone , I appreciate your wishes, but I can't hurt my brothers. Although I fell down today, we can't lose the spirit of Bushido. You have to be good... Come on! Tomorrow, it will be the best for me return."

Hattori Hanzo committed suicide by caesarean section. Hattori Izuzo smiled and said in his heart: "You old guy is finally dead, otherwise I will never have a bright future."

At the same time, Hattori Nizo also laughed: "Hanzo is dead, and Izuzo is not far away. The spring of my Nizo is coming soon—my dear master of the Samurai Hall!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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