Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 329 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 329 Dealing with Heart King (1) ([-])
What Leng Ye said was a few simple Japanese words learned from Tojo Yin Ji last night, to the effect: "Brothers, according to reliable news, Kobe Subway is going to take down our rubies while our leader is away, and close them quickly." City gate, close the city gate quickly..."

Although the credibility of Leng Ye's words is not high, but considering that the two gangs have been at odds for a long time, because the gangs have formed personal grievances, and they are not very happy with this cooperation. Agree, but because of the pressure from the gang leader, they didn't immediately doubt Leng Ye's words.

The people under the city wall immediately exploded when they heard Leng Ye's words, saying things like "We are kind enough to help you defend the city, and you still slander like this", and some people who were angry because of being oppressed by Ruby proposed to go to war immediately , taking advantage of the trend to attack Ruby.

The chaotic scene lasted for 2 minutes. Leng Ye's voice became louder, but he still repeated these two sentences. It was imperative for the two sides to exchange fire, but no one made the first move.

Leng Ye was a little anxious, if he made the first move, his identity would definitely be exposed.At this moment, he suddenly saw a big stone on the city wall to meet the enemy, so he had an idea, lifted the big stone and threw it down.The stone was very big, and it would have taken five or six people to move it, but Leng Ye moved it alone, which made the players on the city wall quiet down.

The two people were killed by a big stone, which made the people of Kobe Subway under the city even more panicked. They took up weapons one after another and rushed into the city.

According to the agreement between Ruby and the other three gangs, the people of Kobe Subway can only be stationed outside the city, so that once the three gangs capture the sword demon palace, they will have a share of the benefits.However, in order to show the sincerity of the three gangs, they all had to open the city gates.Due to the appearance of the cold night, the irritated Kobe subway staff obviously broke the rules, and it is simply a dream to divide up the results.

The gang leader of Kobe Subway has long thought of eliminating the thorn in Ruby's side, but he is only intimidated by Ruby's strength.This expedition of the Three Gangs to the West is a godsend opportunity for Kobe Metro, but due to the pressure of the people, they are afraid that someone will gossip behind their backs, so they have been slow to do so.The gang leader of Kobe Subway is not stupid either. He knows that God Gorokuro is plotting an empty city. He sent all the elites of Ruby's gang to attack the Sword Demon God's Palace, leaving a bunch of wine bags and food bags to guard the empty city.He also knew that God Gorokuro also took into account the pressure of public opinion. He expected that Kobe Metro would not dare to attack Ruby during the "Western Expedition", and deliberately asked Kobe Metro to help defend the city.He also knew that Shenwu Liulang would predict that Kobe Metro would not send elites to help them defend the city. In this way, the elites of Kobe Metro would be concentrated in the Kobe Metro station, so that Leng Ye's inexplicable skill could be wiped out in one fell swoop. Therefore, Fujiwara 56, the shrewd leader of the Kobe Subway, deliberately did the opposite, and sent all the gang elites to the Ruby resident, while the Kobe Subway resident only left a small number of people, so as to seize the opportunity to occupy the three gangs .

Fujiwara 56 originally planned to wait until the "Xizheng" was about the same time - to capture the Sword Demon Shrine or be defeated by the Sword Demon Shrine before launching an attack on Ruby.If they capture the Sword Demon Shrine, and the victorious squadron returns to the court, Fujiwara 56 can go all out and start a "civil war". He can use the excuse that "the three gangs have lost the face of the Great Japanese Empire" to eat rubies so as to "work hard to maintain the prosperity of the empire."

Man proposes, God disposes.Fujiwara 56 did not expect that things would change dramatically, and the Ruby man (Cold Ye after makeup) actually made the first move.Helping them defend the city and being beaten by them is beyond reason.How could this old fox, Fujiwara 56, give up this great opportunity, so the commander called several hall masters in the gang, commanded the elite personnel, and rushed in before the gate of Ruby was closed.

(End of this chapter)

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