Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 330 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 330 Dealing with Heart King (1) ([-])

"Close the city gate quickly! Close the city gate quickly!" In the chaos, a person shouted with a simple sound amplifier in the game.At this time, many members of the Kobe Metro had already entered the Ruby City, not to mention that closing the door was useless, even whether it could be closed was a big problem.

"Why didn't he go?" In the distance, a very ordinary-dressed person in the Kobe subway murmured to himself.The "he" he said in his mouth is Saburo Inoshita, Ruby's deputy gang leader and god of war.

As soon as the members of the Kobe subway rushed into Ruby's resident, they were divided into two groups. One group attacked the city wall, and naturally encountered stubborn resistance from the Ruby members.Another group rushed in directly along the boulevard in the city, and their tactics were very clear. They wanted to take down the ruby ​​gang crystal in one fell swoop, so as to obtain the ownership of this gang.

There are not many guards on the city wall, they are not of high level, and they are not wearing any good equipment, so their strength is not strong.However, with the advantage of being condescending and the help of group warfare tools such as large stones on the city wall, they persisted for more than ten minutes.When Kobe Subway occupied the Ruby City Wall, Leng Ye put on the invisibility ring again, quietly went down the city wall, and followed another group of Kobe Subway people to the interior of the Ruby Gang.

Along the way, Leng Ye found that there were not many people inside the Ruby Gang to defend, even if there were a few archers, shooting small arrows that didn't hurt or itch.

A group of people gradually went deep into the hinterland of the Ruby Gang resident, and Leng Ye found that the trees on both sides of the boulevard had disappeared, replaced by a city wall more than five meters high.

"Not good!" Leng Ye just realized that there was a conspiracy and hurriedly turned back. Just when he had just retreated to the end of the Kobe subway line, an iron fence more than five meters high and three meters thick rose up behind him.In this way, the members of the Kobe Metro were surrounded on the left, right, and back, and had no way out. They could only continue to move forward, but they didn't know that there were dragons and tigers waiting for them in front of them.

Leng Ye's mission was not to kill or rob, but to cause trouble, so he hurried out of the ruby ​​gang, followed the instructions on the map, found the teleportation formation, and went to the residences of Tokyo A League and Heart K.Because there are not many people stationed in these two places, especially Heart K, and they live in peace, and they don't stay too much in the cold night, and they come to the gang station of the Kobe subway again.

The gates of the Kobe Subway were closed, and what made Leng Ye wondered was that it was also opened here.Someone attacked the gate of the Kobe subway.When you walk in, you can see that the siege personnel have ruby ​​​​signs on their chests.

"Dog bites dog!" Leng Ye was overjoyed.According to Tojo Onohime, the Ruby elites should all go to attack the Sword Demon Shrine, and the Kobe Subway elites should be sent to help "Ruby" garrison the position.But where did this group of Ruby people come from? "Could it be that the people who attacked the Sword Demon God's Palace are back? Why are they back?" Leng Ye was puzzled.

Just by looking at the mages, one can tell that Ruby's siege crews are obviously very strong. Many of them have advanced mage skills above level [-], and Leng Ye knows this.Therefore, Leng Ye determined that this should be the Ruby elite.

Suddenly a terrible thought lingered in Leng Ye's mind: "Could it be that the 'Western Expedition' is fake, and is it true that Ruby is going to destroy Kobe Subway? Once Kobe Subway is destroyed, what will happen to the fate of Japan's A-League where all the elites will be eliminated? "Leng Ye is now full of the insidiousness and cunning of Little Japan. If his guess is correct, then the Sword Demon Palace has taken advantage this time in a sense.

Changing from a troublemaker with heavy responsibilities to a bystander, Leng Ye felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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