Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 333 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 333 Dealing with the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
Leng Ye walked around the Ruby station.There are three city gates in the southeast and west in the station. Except for the south gate which has been opened wide, the other two gates are closed. There are only a few people standing on the city wall to patrol the city gate, and there are no people from Kobe Metro to attack the city.

Once upon a time, it was popular for gangs to open three gates, and the gang's resident crystal was usually placed near the end without the gate.The Sword Demon Shrine is an exception. The north gate is opened, because it is convenient for the gang members to go to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain to kill monsters and upgrade.Of course, there are also some gangs who dare to take risks and put the gang crystals at the end far away from the door. Once the city gate is breached, the gang will not immediately perish.

Ruby's garrison is very large, [-]*[-] kilometers square, and the attack range of Leng Ye and Liunu's six-star orbiting sun skills is only [-]*[-] kilometers.If it is used outside the garrison, it can only "blow up" the "tip of the ice". If it can "blow up" the gang crystal, the ruby ​​will certainly perish, but if it can't be "fried", Leng Ye will suffer a lot. Know that this skill is only available once.As for the Arctic Big Dipper Formation, Leng Ye also thought about giving it a try, but he didn't know the attack nature of this skill, nor did he know the power of this skill.Therefore, Leng Ye would rather venture into the interior of the Ruby garrison, the chances would be doubled.

Looking for a place where no one was around, Leng Ye recruited Xiaobai, he rode on it, took out an ordinary mirror that Qiu Zimei asked for, looked at it, and sure enough there was no shadow of Xiaobai, so he ordered Xiaobai Gao Gao flew over the Ruby station, and when he aimed at a place where there was no one to land, he was blocked by an invisible membrane.Not in the air, and Leng Ye had to go through the city gate. This may be a restriction of the game on players with flying pets and mounts!But Leng Ye didn't descend immediately, but flew high, hovering over the Ruby station, looking for a breakthrough.

At this moment, the south gate of Ruby is still wide open, and the people standing on the city wall should still be members of the Tokyo Metro. Leng Ye is not afraid that he will not be able to get in. What he worries about is where to do it after entering.Not in places that are too remote, nor in places that are too exposed.

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw a tall building, which was similar in shape to the Sword Demon Building, only slightly shorter.Leng Ye knew that these places should be the safe havens for the corruption of high-level gang members. As for the parliament hall, they would not be here, let alone the gang crystals.

Flying a few hundred meters further east from the building, Leng Ye saw a building somewhat similar to the White House, which should be Ruby's gang meeting hall.Flying to the east for more than 200 meters, Leng Ye saw a cemetery with grave mounds and tombstones. The cemetery was very quiet without a single weed.

"This is a little too real!" Leng Ye secretly thought.Although there are various buildings in the Sword Demon Palace, there is no cemetery, because there is no real death in the game.

"Could it be..." Leng Ye was overjoyed, and circled around the cemetery for a while, he found that there were no less than [-] tombstones, all of which were engraved with words, but due to the distance, he couldn't see what it was.Actually, the writing on it was in Japanese, even if it was in front of Leng Ye's eyes, he would still be blind.

(End of this chapter)

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