Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 334 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 334 Dealing with the King of Hearts (2) ([-])
After a while, Leng Ye discovered that there were several trails in the forest of steles that had been trampled by people, and these trails all led to an unremarkable small grave in the center of the forest of steles. "Could this be where the gang crystal is? Little Japan really has many tricks." In order to confirm his thoughts, Leng Ye asked Xiaobai to hover over the Ruby station twice, and found that there was no such special and inconspicuous existence. , So he ordered Xiaobai to land in an inconspicuous place, took Xiaobai away, and then he quietly came to the south gate of Ruby.

Leng Ye's pager rang, and a woman's voice came from over there: "Are you alright! The city gate is about to be breached!" It was Tojo Yinji who sent it.

"Soon." Leng Ye said casually.But he was thinking in his heart, "I'm here to make trouble. Whether the city gate is broken or not is up to me. Dogs eat dogs. The harder the bite, the more exciting it will be."

After turning off the beeper, Leng Ye walked into the Ruby gate under the influence of the invisibility ring.

The internal construction of Ruby is like a maze. Although Leng Ye had explored the way in the air, once inside, it took a lot of effort to find the cemetery.

Maybe it's because this is a place haunted by ghosts and gods, and no one came at the moment.Leng Ye walked into the forest of steles, looked around, but was blocked by the steles, so he couldn't see outside, so naturally he couldn't see here either.

Leng Ye turned the wedding ring, and soon, six beautiful women appeared around him.

"Ah!" The beauties all let out a burst of exclamation.

Leng Ye looked around, only to find that the reason for their screams was not because of the tombstones or grave mounds in front of them, but because of their own clothes.

"Husband, what the hell are you doing? Please tell us in advance next time you call us." Shuang'er took clothes from her space bracelet and put them on while talking.

"That's right! Husband, it's fortunate that there is no one here, otherwise all your pretty wives will be seen by others." Mercury also echoed.

"I said my wife, I am in Japan, and 'international calls' are not available at all. Didn't I tell you to prepare for the battle at any time within [-] hours? Why are you all dressed like this?" Leng Ye blamed.

"What are you talking about! You didn't contact us after you left yesterday. You didn't come in the first place, and you didn't come in the second place. It caused us to wait all night, tired and sleepy. What did you do last night? Did you come here to find a lady? Already?" Shuang'er said while putting on her shoes.Sitting on the ground has no ladylike image.

Although Shuang'er's guess didn't hit all the hits, she got a bit of a margin. She felt a little guilty, and hurriedly said, "Okay, I don't blame you guys. Let's start preparing now!"

"Preparing for what?" the six girls asked in unison.

"Six stars circle the sun!" Leng Ye said.He looked at the non-serious looks of the six girls in front of him, and wondered if they were his wives anymore, why they weren't active at all!
"Oh! I forgot to bring the streamer." Shuang'er said suddenly.Leng Ye was very angry after hearing this, and just about to get angry at Shuang'er, the quintuplet sisters also said one after another that they didn't bring them.

(End of this chapter)

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