Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 336 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 336 Responding to the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
Sunset Cloud Valley is not far from Wanshou Mountain, probably about ten miles as the system said.And this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, only

On the west side, there is a trail that can accommodate four or two carriages passing side by side.Every evening, when the sun sets and the sky is full of red clouds, the sun can shine on this valley. Therefore, someone named this unnamed canyon without a name as Luoxia Valley.The west entrance of Sunset Cloud Valley is just facing Wanshou Mountain, which echoes the residence of Sword Demon Palace.

The location of the three major gangs in this place cannot but be said to be the system's special care for it.

Someone get through so they don't have to worry about someone attacking from behind and digging out their nest.It can also prevent the dead in the front from being surrounded and killed at the resurrection point after death.It can be said that this is an excellent place for defense.

If the three major factions were to defend blindly, even though there were many players in the China region, it would take a little effort to break into a camp with [-] defenders in one day.However, the three major gangs are attacking this time, even if they stay safely in Sunset Cloud Valley for [-] hours, they will still lose.Although the system didn't specify any punishment after losing, the most direct compensation should be indispensable.

As soon as these 10 people landed in Sunset Clouds Valley, they immediately alarmed the people leveling in the valley, and naturally their whereabouts were exposed.Soon, players from the China region surrounded the entrance of Sunset Cloud Valley, among which the majority of the people from the Sword Demon God Palace, and other gangs also came to join in the fun, hoping to get a share of the pie after the war.

"Brother Ishida, you are fully in command of this battle, and you can send Ruby up and down as you please!" Shenwu Rokuro explained to Ishida Yuji and Ono Taro, and took two "military prostitutes" into the temporary tent No matter do not ask.

Although Ishida Kinji didn't understand why Shenwu Rokuro did this, but since he became the commander-in-chief of this operation, he was still very excited, and immediately ordered all the staff of Ruby to be the vanguard and march towards Taniguchi.

Jin Dao went to battle in person this time, leading a total of 5000 elites from the Eight Halls and Sixteen Fragrances of the Sword Demon God Palace.These people are all players above level [-] of the Sword Demon Palace, [-] archers, [-] mages, [-] knights, and [-] other mixed personnel. They even brought two large siege vehicles to seal the entrance of the valley firmly. Stay, and don't attack inward.As long as someone from the three major gangs dared to come out, they would definitely die.

The Sword Demon Shrine is not the only one, people from other gangs can also help the master defend, and even the Sword Demon Shrine allows them to rush in and fight. After all, the shadow of the "Nanjing Massacre" will always be imprinted in the hearts of the Chinese people.

What makes everyone wonder is that after the 2 players (rabble) from the China region rushed in, they actually wiped out more than [-] local vanguard troops.This made Jin Dao and other gang leaders suspicious of the so-called "elite" who came this time.

The Chinese players who had won the first battle took advantage of the victory and attacked again. This time, they were not so lucky. They entered [-], but only [-] came out.It is said that they encountered the enemy's main force this time, all levels were above level [-], and the equipment was very luxurious, completely different from the "parallel import" before.That's right, what they encountered this time was the gang elite of the Tokyo A League, which was also the only elite unit of the three major gangs.

(End of this chapter)

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