Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 337 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 337 Responding to the King of Hearts (2) ([-])
The two sides fought each other several times, causing mutual casualties.However, there were too many players in the China region, and the entrance of Sunset Valley was completely surrounded. Later, Little Japan huddled inside and sent archers to seal the entrance of the canyon, and the two sides temporarily stopped fighting.

Under the temptation of God Gorokuro, Ishida Kinji can get his money back this time, dispatching all the main members of the gang in a vain attempt to take down the Sword Demon Shrine, and from then on, the Tokyo A-League can feel proud in the world.But now he knows that he has been tricked by this old guy, God Gorokuro, and he can only hope that he can pass these [-] hours smoothly...

"Shuang'er, aren't you guys sleeping? You didn't go to the scene, how do you know so much?" Leng Ye asked after listening to Shuang'er's story.

"Cut~~~ Frog at the bottom of the well, haven't you seen the big screen in the Sword Demon Building? Just standing in front of the big screen can replay a person's actions for [-] hours. In addition, there is a live broadcast device. As long as someone takes When it arrives at the scene, we can see what will happen one minute later on the big screen..." Shuang'er explained to Leng Ye one by one.

"Really? Then can I see if you stole a man yesterday...haha!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Come on! Take care of yourself! Be honest, what did you do last night? Otherwise, we will not be so lucky when we go back and find out." Shuang'er looked at Leng Ye with serious eyes, and the quintuplet sisters also Hold your breath.

Seeing Leng Ye's expression, Shuang'er guessed eight points, and said, "Husband, don't say we are stingy. Don't you know? Recently, sexually transmitted diseases have been transmitted in the game. I heard that after being infected, certain aspects of the body's attributes will change. It will decline, and you may lose some talents or skills. It doesn’t matter if you are infected, but if you infect us again..."

Leng Ye was frightened into a cold sweat when he heard Shuang'er's words, but luckily he didn't have promiscuous sex, so he felt a little better.

"Husband, you know that sex is rampant in Japan, so..." Mercury also echoed, and Leng Ye hurriedly stopped, otherwise the assumption would be applied to him again.

"Shuang'er, why didn't you come back with streamers?" Leng Ye asked again, because the city gate on the Kobe subway side was broken.

"Husband, after the interim representative meeting of the Sword Demon God Palace, it was finally unanimously decided that we can no longer use the 'six stars around the sun'." Shuang'er said.

"Can't use it? Why? Is it because it can only be used once?" Leng Ye asked.

"Honey, it's not. The skill of 'Six Stars around the Sun' is too powerful. It would be a pity to use it now. We are like" Shuang'er whispered a few words in Leng Ye's ear.

Leng Ye was overjoyed when he heard that, and praised Shuang'er for being smart.But he soon became a little disappointed, secretly said: "I promised Jingru to kill Shenwu Liulang, it seems that it will be delayed again."

"But, Shuang'er, why did the state interfere in this matter?" Leng Ye asked in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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