Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 339 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 339 Dealing with Heart K (1) ([-])

"Master!", "Master!"...

Leng Ye came to the entrance of Sunset Cloud Valley, and the members of the gang immediately greeted him.

"Leader Leng is here!" The bosses of several big gangs also came to greet Leng Ye.Everyone giggled and entered the "Chinese Army Tent" built by Jin Dao!
"Brother, if you hadn't called Shuang'er and they called me back, I would have used the skill 'Six Stars Surrounding the Sun' to blow up their gang camp!" Leng Ye said loudly on purpose as soon as he entered the "Chinese Army Tent".

Jin Dao understood, and immediately said: "Master, now that you and the ladies have reached the intermediate level of 'Six Stars Surrounding the Sun', I am afraid that you will blow up the entire Tokyo city as soon as you use it. At that time, I am afraid that others will say that we are the sword demon god. The palace bullies people."

As soon as Jin Dao said this, Shuang'er reacted quickly, but the quintuplets and the others changed their expressions when they heard Jin Dao bragging.Half of the people present saw their changes, Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Brother, I have never met these gang leaders, they should not be..."

Jin Knife understood, and said first, "Guard master, quintuplet sister, these gang leaders are all friends of our Sword Demon God Palace, don't blame the big brother for being quick-spoken. You may as well speak up if you have anything to say."

Jin Xing understood the meaning of Jindao, and twisted Nini and said, "Brother, to tell you the truth, 'Six Stars Around the Sun' has reached the advanced level now."

Jin Dao was shocked and said, "Oh? That's because I have a bad memory? Half a month ago, Shuang'er told me that there are only intermediate grades!"

"Brother, you are so confused!" Shuang'er said with a smile.

"Shuang'er, there are so many people here, why don't you save face for Big Brother. Besides, how old am I? My beard is not white yet!" Jin Dao laughed and said.

"What happened half a month ago to say that you are old and confused now! Lian Po is old, can he still eat? Brother, if your health fails, I will find someone to replace you as the Generalissimo of the Sword Demon Palace. "Shuang'er laughed.

Shuang'er's words made everyone laugh out loud.

Jin Dao coughed twice, and said: "Guild master, several gang masters. This game has been running very successfully so far, so all countries in the world are paying close attention to it. Almost everything that can be done in reality can be done here. More importantly, Everything done here will not damage the ecological environment in reality, so all countries are very supportive of this game. Gradually, countries began to compete in the game. You are all prominent figures in China. It can be said that how many of you Every move of each of you represents our country. The gangs have also developed, and the scale is not small. You have won a lot of glory for the country. This is the pride of our China region. Of course, we have the strength of the country today. They are inseparable. So, in a sense, we should share the worries of the country, I wonder what the gang leaders mean?"

"Marshal Jin is right, as long as the country is useful to us, we should do our best." Yaowu Yangwei immediately echoed.I am afraid that no one here is willing to be a traitor, so everyone agrees.

"In recent years, the weather has been favorable and the country's fortunes have been prosperous. May I ask Marshal Jin what difficulties our country has now and where we need us to serve." Asked arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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