Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 340 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 340 Dealing with Heart K (2) ([-])

"Our country is getting stronger and stronger, and there is no major difficulty. It's just that a fishing boat was capsized near the high seas of Japan yesterday by the wind and waves, and was rescued by the Japanese Navy Self-Defense Force, and they were sent back to China. Of course, the 'Nanjing Massacre' "We can't forget, but this time our country really owes them a favor. You know, it's more than a dozen lives! So we Sword Demon Palace unanimously agreed to let the lord come back, don't blow up the 'Tokyo City' for the time being, we will do it for the country Repay him this favor, I hope the gang leaders can understand." Jin Dao said.

"Yes, we don't owe them anything. After repaying this favor, we will start killing people." Said flauntingly.

"Leader Yaowu, please listen to me. I didn't blow them up Leng Ye. Tokyo City has already paid them a favor. We could have killed all the Japanese pirates in the Sunset Valley. But I learned a lot about Japan during my trip to Japan. The delicate relationship between several major gangs..." Leng Ye said what he saw, heard and guessed in Japan one by one, and finally said: "I think that using barbarians to control barbarians and let them kill each other It's more exciting than us doing it directly."

Leng Ye's suggestion was immediately unanimously agreed by all the gang leaders.After a while, two people, a man and a woman, walked into the "Zhongjun Tent". They were all Japanese players in their clothes.The man is Ishida's kinky chicken, and the woman is the Xiaomi and translator he brought this time.

"! @(percentage sign)...@!#[-]" Ishida slutty murmured, and then bowed deeply.

Xiaomi translated it, roughly saying: "I, Ishida Jiji, was bewitched and deceived by Ruby Gang leader Shenmu Rokuro, and brought most of the gang's elites to visit Sword Demon Shrine. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I He admitted that he had selfish intentions and wanted to take down the Sword Demon Shrine. But after arriving in China, he discovered that God Gorokuro and Ono Taro brought in low-level players from the gang. Their purpose for doing this was twofold, one It is to destroy the Tokyo A-League while I am going out, and the second is to destroy the Kobe Subway, which I said was unexpected. I have only now discovered that Sword Demon Shrine is invincible, and players in China are invincible Yes. I know that the gang leaders have shown mercy to us, otherwise we would have been wiped out long ago. I hope the gang leaders can give me a chance to go back and seek justice."

After listening to Shi Tian's words, Leng Ye asked: "I don't know what opinions do the gang leaders have?"

Flaunting his might, he said: "We don't like people who sell friends and seek glory the most. I can give you a chance, but..."

Xiaomi translated for Ishida Jiji.Ishida Kinji immediately said: "I express my deep regret for the 'Nanjing Massacre'. For this, I and our entire Tokyo A-League are willing to pay the due price. For this reason, our Tokyo A-League elites are willing to stand up Let no player in the China area kill once, of course I know that these are far from enough, if you have anything to send me, Ishida Kinji, I will definitely do it. I just hope that you will give me a chance to return to China and settle accounts with Shenwu Rokuro."

He swaggered out for a while, then came back soon, and said: "Mr. Ishida, our Chinese nation is a united nation and a democratic nation. I went out to ask everyone's opinions just now. They saw that your country once saved us ten times. For the sake of a few lives, I agree with your idea, but you have to bow three times in addition to each of you dying once, and repent for the mistakes you have committed. In addition, in order to show your sincerity, you people in the Tokyo A League must Kill all the people from the other two factions back to level zero, including your two direct opponents—Kammu Rokuro and Ono Taro!"

When the translator translated the flamboyant words to Ishida Kinji, Ishida Kinji immediately nodded in agreement.When Ishida Yanji walked back to Sunset Valley, he shook his head and sighed, "The Yamato nation is really a barbaric nation..."

(End of this chapter)

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