Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 341 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God

Chapter 341 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God (1)
"Damn it, it's too cruel!"

"It's so fucking cool, this is dog eat dog!"

"Another, another level [-] was born! I mourn for you for three seconds!"

"Damn! Rokuro Shenwu is an old man and he is still hugging a beautiful woman, can he still do it?"

"Ishida's kinky chicken has been counter-killed again, this is the third time!"

"Poke him, poke him..."


In the multimedia hall of the Sword Demon Shrine, the members of the gang above the Fragrance Lord were all watching the video brought back by the intelligence leader everywhere, in order to learn the method of using the barbarians to control the barbarians and the spirit of helping others.These people looked excited and couldn't help but swear.

These people are not really low-quality, on the contrary, they have all passed strict "examinations" and passed numerous assessments.Perhaps their individual combat abilities are not top-notch in Sword Demon Palace, but their overall quality, especially their character and leadership ability definitely represent the top level of Sword Demon Palace.The reason why they swear at this time is firstly because they hate Little Japan, and secondly because they were really deeply infected by the bloody scene of the bayonet piercing the chest.Furthermore, the first swear word was uttered by Leng Ye. They dared to be so presumptuous, probably because they were influenced by him!

"Wu Kong, the angle of the shot is too good, this month's bonus will be doubled." Jin Dao said, patting Wu Kong on the shoulder.The meaning is obvious. In the Sword Demon God's Palace, meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and demerits must be punished.

"Thank you, Lord, thank you, Marshal Jin!" All-pervasive said with a smile, looking very proud of himself, one must know that the double bonus of a person in his position is definitely not a small sum.

Once upon a time, "Golden Marshal" became the representative word of Jindao. This was not a gang position, it was just a title given by the gangsters to the God of War Jindao of the Sword Demon God Palace, and then slowly spread.You must know that Jin Dao has never lost a battle led by himself, and he deserves the words "Marshal Jin".

All-pervasive suddenly disappeared in front of everyone, which puzzled everyone, because it is not allowed to use teleportation scrolls in the offices of Sword Demon God Palace (including conference halls, multimedia halls, armories, etc.), that is to say, you must Walk out the door.However, what is pervasive does indeed disappear out of thin air.

The all-pervasive profession is a thief, but he is only at level [-]. To learn the stealth skill of a thief, at least level [-] is required, and he is still far behind!What made him invisible?
"It must be stealth equipment!" Someone immediately guessed.

"I've never seen such equipment." The incense master of the two fragrances of thieves and assassins and the hall master of the bow and arrow hall both made it clear.

"I've seen a elixir that can make you invisible for [-] minute, but it's ridiculously expensive, it costs [-] gold coins." Suddenly someone said.

"[-] gold coins is cheap. Think about it, if a soldier takes that kind of medicine, anything can happen within a minute." Someone immediately echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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