Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 342 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God

Chapter 342 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God (2)
"Wouldn't you buy that kind of elixir for all pervasiveness!"

"You are stupid! He is a guy who penetrates everywhere and is obsessed with "information". With such a good thing, he can't be sent to the battlefield!"

"makes sense……"


When the crowd was arguing about what made All-pervasive disappear out of thin air, All-pervasive suddenly reappeared in front of everyone, holding a dim ring in his hand.

"This is the booty that the leader seized in Little Japan this time, the artifact invisibility ring..." All-pervasive said in a deliberately raised voice, and he also told everyone the attributes of the ring one by one.

"Sacred weapon! With such a strong attribute, our leader will be invincible in the future."

"How can the leader give the artifact to that wretched man who penetrates everywhere? What if he hangs up?"

"Are you stupid! What kind of person is pervasive? An information freak, a money-greedy ghost. He once went deep into the enemy's interior in order to help the shrine to inquire about a news. He was killed [-] times in a row. Although he doesn't care about the level, you will not feel the pain Don't know!"

"It's enough to risk your life, but it's not enough for the leader to reward him with the artifact!"

"What? Reward him? What nonsense are you talking about! The artifact is priceless! It has been an honor for him to bring it to him once in eight lifetimes. But I admire the leader of this fact very much, and the employer will never doubt it!"

"Yeah yeah! Let's do it! The future is bright!"


Leng Ye is a person who is not very good at scheming, and the reason why he does this is probably taught by the Lost Young Master and the others.Now Leng Ye's name has been spread all over the world, so he must be low-key in life, but he must be high-key in his actions.There is no need for him to hide his strength now. The purpose of taking out the hidden ring this time is to let the world know that he has such a ring, so that others will be more in awe of him.Let the world remember, don't offend the Sword Demon God Palace, let alone try to get any advantage from Leng Ye, otherwise, Leng Ye may appear by your side at any time.Of course, except for those who are too long-lived.

Although all the high-level leaders of the Sword Demon God Palace were present, and their loyalty was not low, it was hard to guarantee that none of them would tell their family and friends the news.Gossips spread the fastest, and this is Shuang'er's point of view all along. She was also the one who brought up the idea of ​​revealing the invisibility ring this time.

The artifact invisibility ring caused an uproar again, and they stopped making noise when the ring was handed back to Leng Ye by All-pervasive.

"Brothers have also contributed a lot to the Sword Demon God's Palace. I also brought you some gifts during my trip to Japan. You can take whatever you like!" The equipment was poured out slowly, and two "equipment" hills were poured out in a row. Fortunately, the multimedia hall belongs to an infinite space, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many dazzling things.

All these equipments were picked up by Space Ring at the foot of Mount Fuji. It is said that [-] million Japanese died at that time. As for how many equipments fell to the ground, even Leng Ye himself could not count.At that time, he rode Xiaobai and flew a big circle around Mount Fuji. Wherever he passed, there were always dozens of pieces of equipment scattered on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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