Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 343 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God

Chapter 343 The "Conspiracy" in the Palace of the Sword Demon God (3)
"Japanese saber, fairy weapon! Fairy weapon..." The swordsman Xiangxiang Zhu Zhonghua, with red eyes and quick hands, saw a shining big knife picked up, and then let out a howl.

"A little red, are you bragging?" the incense master of Thief Incense stepped forward and asked faster than his eyes.But when he took the Japanese saber from Dianhong's hand, his eyes widened in surprise.

After being stunned for a second, everyone climbed up the "equipment mountain" one by one, rummaging randomly for the equipment they used.This group of people usually look like dogs, but now they have completely lost their former identities, and if they find good ones, they will stuff them into space bracelets.They didn't know that this kind of scene had been silently recorded by Jin Dao, and it would be used as a positive "teaching material" for the sword demon palace to "reward for meritorious deeds and punish those who have done wrong" in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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