Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 353: In Danger

Chapter 353: In Danger (2)

At this time the manager came over and wanted to take the girl away.At this moment, Leng Ye felt compassion again, stopped the manager, and said, "I just said something and wait until I finish playing." The manager signaled everyone to be quiet, waiting for Leng Ye's tee shot.

For Leng Ye, scoring [-] points is very easy, but he has never tried to score [-] points off the tee.It is said that when playing billiards, as long as you aim at a general area, exercise enough strength, and let the ball bump back and forth seven times at the edge of the pool, the target ball will definitely fall into the pocket.However, it is not easy to make a ball collide seven times at the edge of the library, and the so-called "approximate area" of the collision is even more difficult to find.After the training of Nether Ghost Creatures, Leng Ye's hand feels much better, and his strength has also increased a lot, so Leng Ye decided to try his luck and try the legendary method.

After setting up the white ball, Leng Ye made a ring with the thumb and index finger of his left hand and inserted the rod in. Only in this way can Leng Ye control the direction of the rod well when exerting force. The grip method adopted by Nock masters makes it easier to hit shrinking clubs.But Leng Ye had never used that grip before, not even on finish.Today, Leng Ye was going to break the record, so even the gesture of holding the club changed a lot.

Leng Ye didn't know where the so-called "approximate range" in the legend was. Since he chose to kick off vigorously, he simply chose the target ball on the header.What Leng Ye is worried about now is not lack of strength, but fear that too much strength will destroy the table.Putting on a good posture, Leng Ye considered the strength of hitting the ball, and finally pushed the stick out under the watchful eyes of everyone, and it hit the white ball heavily.

"Bang bang bang..."

The white ball hit the red ball at such a fast speed that the onlookers didn't even see the route of the white ball, only saw the red ball explode and scurry across the table.After a long time, the table became quiet.

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, and then there was warm applause.Looking at the table again, the red balls are gone, but the colored balls are still in place.

"Fuck, fail!" Leng Ye cursed secretly.His shot was really wonderful, but since all the red balls had gone into the holes, it was impossible for Leng Ye to score [-] points.

"Brother, it's amazing!" A bearded man came over and patted Leng Ye on the shoulder and said.

"Brother, you are really my idol! Although you didn't score [-], your technique is even better than the full score. Ten points, oh no, it's one hundred points." The former training partner girl ran up and said.

The manager of the entertainment hall was obviously also moved by Leng Ye's performance, and said: "Sir, if you don't dislike it, we are willing to hire you as our billiard consultant with an annual salary of 100 million. If you are not satisfied, you can discuss it again."

"Brother, go to the Mosconi Cup! I'll be your manager." A man with black-rimmed eyes said.


Leng Ye was not in the mood to listen to their nonsense, but saw that the bearded man seemed to have something to say to him, so he said: "Brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go have a drink!"

The bearded man quickly understood what Leng Ye meant, and immediately agreed.The two soon came to a luxurious and high-end coffee shop across the road.

"Are you Brother Leng Ye?" The bearded man asked as soon as he entered the private room.

"How do you know?" Leng Ye asked.

What surprised Leng Ye was that the bearded man said something that Leng Ye heard for the first time in his life: "I am a killer!"

(End of this chapter)

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