Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 354: In Danger

Chapter 354 I'm in Danger (1) ([-])
Leng Ye was startled at first, but quickly regained his composure, and said, "Assassin? It's a very good job. When I was young, I also wanted to pursue such a job, but when I grew up, I knew it was illegal, so I didn't make it. "The bearded man obviously admired Leng Ye's concentration, and thought: "It would be a pity if this kind of person doesn't become a killer!" But he didn't know whether Leng Ye was pretending to be shocked or really unpredictable, so he said it again : "Brother, let me say it again, I am a killer, someone sent me to kill you, aren't you afraid of death?"

Leng Ye still looked very calm, and said: "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. But as far as I know, killers are usually dumb, and how can someone like you 'talking nonsense' to me be a killer? Even a killer, then Most of them are also incompetent killers." The bearded man had just clenched his fists, but Leng Ye said: "As a killer, you must have your own principles. A killer who kills his own people is always an incompetent killer.”

Beard worshiped heroes since he was a child. It doesn't matter whether that person is his compatriot or not. After receiving strict training, he will only obey orders, regardless of whether the person killed is a Chinese or a foreigner.He has never failed to perform missions, so he quickly became the top killer of that organization. Now, unless it is a very tricky person, he will generally not participate.To him, Leng Ye's words were just playing the piano to the cow.

Seeing that the bearded man remained silent, Leng Ye smiled, and said, "Since you are here to kill me, then do it!" The bearded man was shocked when he heard the words, he killed countless people, and the people he killed ranged from government officials to shopping malls The tycoon, from the army general to the underworld leader, can be said to be well-informed, but it is the first time for a person like Leng Ye who knows he is going to die and can face it so calmly and can laugh. See you.So, at this moment, he didn't know whether to do it or not to change it, and even if he did, where would he do it.

"Since you don't do it, then I will do it first!" While speaking, Leng Ye ran up behind the bearded man, clenched his fist tightly, and put his right thumb on the bearded man's back.The distance between the two of them was more than three meters, but the whole process of Leng Ye was done in one go, moving like lightning.

The bearded man felt a pair of scissors pressed against him from behind, as if it had pierced into the skin by three points, and his forehead began to sweat.You know, the reason why the bearded man can become a top killer is the perfect combination of strength and speed. He is especially good at speed, with amazing explosive power, and his best time in the [-] meters is [-] seconds. A gold medal.But he never thought that the powerful Leng Ye he just saw in the billiards hall would have superhuman speed. Apart from admiration, he was more admirable, thinking: "If this person becomes a killer, he will definitely become King of Killers."

From the first day of the killer's mission, his life is not his own.Beard is a top killer, so it can be said that he is not afraid of death, but since he assassinated the terrorist leader last time, it has been more than three years since he has performed a mission, and he is still a little afraid of facing Leng Ye's "sharp knife". "Where did he hide his dagger? Why did he move so fast?" This question was still lingering in the bearded man's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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