Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 355: In Danger

Chapter 355 I'm in Danger (2) ([-])
The private room was very quiet, so quiet that there were only two even panting sounds.Suddenly, Leng Ye laughed, took his hand away from the bearded man, walked in front of the bearded man, and said, "Brother is indeed a top killer, and he is calm and calm in the face of death. I admire you. I tried it just now, and my brother's The muscles are really strong, but the younger brother's kung fu is not good enough, so I offended him so much, please forgive me."

The bearded man pretended to be calm, but also laughed, and said: "Brother's skills are really good, and the speed is strange. If I see you today, I really have not wasted my life."

Leng Ye made a gesture of invitation, motioned the bearded man to sit down, took a sip of coffee, moistened his throat, and said, "Little brother knows that big brother has no intention of killing me, can you tell me the reason?"

The bearded man smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, there are quite a few people who want to kill you, but our gang sent six groups of [-] elite killers in a row before, but for some reason they all disappeared. Until today I..." The bearded man meant to say that they were not Leng Ye's opponents, but Leng Ye didn't want to be taken advantage of, and said, "Brother! I don't want to explain anything else, I just want to say that you are the first killer I have ever seen in this life .”

The bearded man was surprised, and said: "I believe you! I should have thought that people with identities like brothers would be protected by the state." Leng Ye said: "But they are still a little bit worse, aren't they?" Huzi smiled and said, "Brother, I'm too lucky. Even if I'm luckier than them, I still can't kill you, can I?"

Leng Ye and Beard laughed and drank coffee.

The bearded man wiped his mouth and said, "Brother, I also play "Ling Yun" and was born in Nuwa City. I respect heroes the most in my life. I didn't expect to kill you this time but save my life. Could it be that It’s what you often say that what is good is rewarded with good!” Leng Ye laughed when he heard this, and said, “Brother, this is the highest level of a killer.”

"The highest realm?"

"That's right, the highest state - no killing."

"Haha! Brother, you've touched my heart. People like us can't see the light, let alone have too much contact with outsiders. But "Ling Yun" gave us a second life, especially the one that can change our appearance by [-]% ) allows us to realize many wishes that others can have in the real society but we can’t. In the past six months, I have tasted the benefits of being an ordinary person, and I want to be like everyone in my dreams. But, brother, you know, do There is no turning back in our business..."

"Brother, you no longer have the qualifications to be a killer."

"Yes, I can't be ruthless."

"Since big brother knows brother, he must also know Sword Demon God Palace!"

"Haha! Brother still has some knowledge."

"I heard Marshal Jin say that assassins have always been the weakness of Sword Demon God Palace. Since you can't turn back, big brother, you might as well consider developing in Sword Demon God Palace. This will not violate your principle of being an assassin, and you can experience the life of ordinary people. , wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing to kill two birds with one stone!”

The bearded man smiled and said, "Brother, how do you know that I'm not a parallel importer?" Leng Ye pointed to the bearded man's face and said, "This ultra-thin imitation human leather mask can fool people all over the world, but Can't fool me Leng Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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