Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 356 In danger

Chapter 356 In Dangerous Situation (1) ([-])
Seeing the shocked expression on the bearded man's face, Leng Ye took out a dilapidated hardcover notebook from his arms and handed it to the bearded man to read.The bearded man exclaimed in surprise after seeing it: "Brother, it's really exactly the same!"

Leng Ye looked at the bearded man and asked, "How did you get this treasure, brother?" The bearded man said, "To tell you the truth, brother, I got it by accident after I killed a gang boss." Leng Yewen Yan was startled, and then asked: "What are the characteristics of that gangster boss?" The bearded man replied: "Very short, with one eye and six fingers on his right hand."

Leng Ye nodded, and said: "That's right!" Leng Ye didn't want to tell the secrets in his heart to the bearded man, and said: "Brother can go to the Sword Demon Palace to report at any time, find the poor son or A golden knife is fine, so let’s be the deputy incense owner of the thief incense for the time being! But, brother, how do you explain to your organization.”

The bearded man smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, the boss is dead, now I have the final say. In addition, all the people who came to us to kill you in the dark moon this time have been killed. All [-] brothers have participated, so let's treat it as ours." Join the membership fee of Sword Demon Shrine!"

Leng Ye didn't expect that the bearded man was actually a member of the dark moon, the leader of the country's three major killer organizations. Ten years ago, there was a killer nicknamed "Cactus" in this organization. I heard that there was no one alive under his palm. , Since then, Dark Moon has become famous in the streets and alleys, and even crying children will stop crying immediately when they hear this name.And Beard is the current boss of this organization, so his strength cannot be ignored.Although Leng Ye didn't quite understand why they wanted to help him, he was still very grateful in his heart and said, "Thank you, big brother! I don't know what to call big brother?"

The bearded man said: "People call it cactus!"

Leng Ye was startled, and said: "Brother can now go to the Sword Demon Palace to run for the position of Assassin Xiangxiang Lord."

But the bearded man said: "I understand the leader's wishes, I think it's better to start from the grassroots, so that the brothers can be convinced."

Leng Ye laughed and drank coffee with the bearded man.

After the bearded man left, Leng Ye thought: "The revenge of the biological parents has been avenged, and the ancestral mask has found its suitable owner, but where is the thousand-year-old silk armor?" Aren't they also very dangerous, Leng Ye thought and quickly dialed the phone: "Shuang'er, go home!"

A dissatisfied female voice came from the other end of the phone, "Husband, we just got into shape." Leng Yekuang fainted, do you still need to be in shape for shopping?But he couldn't control it so much, he shouted: "Someone wants to kill me, come out quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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