Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 370 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 370 A Trip to Africa (3) ([-])
"Brother son, I'm confused by the Indian Ocean tsunami and the war in Europe, just tell me what to do!" Leng Ye said.

The poor son said: "Don't worry, boss, listen to me slowly. Although there was a tsunami in the Indian Ocean, which flooded many villages, fortunately "Lingyun" officially donated a lot of game helmets to the disaster area, and most people entered the game. Relying on the nutrient solution attached to the helmet, they can live comfortably. Although they have entered the game, they do not have enough equipment, so it is very difficult to upgrade, let alone develop..."

"So what Brother Young Master means is that we donate a batch of equipment to them?" Leng Ye said.

"The guild master is really talented, and you can understand everything. Now you are the only one in the whole world who has surpassed level [-], so only you can complete this task." Said the lost son.

"That's a trivial matter!" Leng Ye immediately agreed.

In the next few days, a strange phenomenon appeared in the China region. The largest gang in the China region, the Sword Demon God Palace, went so far as to purchase equipment below level [-].Faced with this practice, there are different opinions. Some say that the Sword Demon God Palace wants to train direct troops, some say that it is because Zhu Longquan, the number one blacksmith in China, wants to refine special weapons, and some say that the Sword Demon God Palace does this to confuse the world and not There is no substantive purpose, but most people say that the Sword Demon God's Palace is the Sword Demon God's Palace, and they must have their reasons for doing so...

(End of this chapter)

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