Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 371 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 371 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
In Suzaku City, Shao Jingyan, the leader of the Qiangwei Society, said angrily to her subordinates: "It's been three days, and you still haven't found out what the hell is going on in the Sword Demon Palace? What a bunch of trash!"

Qin Wudi, the leader of the Assassin's Guild who was here as a guest, hurriedly said: "Sister Yan, calm down, what use can a batch of equipment below level [-] be of use! No matter how powerful the Sword Demon Palace is, it's impossible to turn them all into artifacts overnight."

"Brother, don't be careless! Come here, hurry up and gather people for me, and buy me level [-] at double the price... Oh no, buy me all the equipment below level [-] at double the price."

Qin Wudi immediately praised: "Sister Yan, tall, really tall! Even if Leng Ye can play tricks, we will not suffer."

In White Tiger City, flaunting his might, said to his subordinates: "Go and buy equipment below level [-] quietly. The more the better, remember not to be known by the people from the Sword Demon Palace."

In Xuanwu City, Liu Wuming looked very angry, and said angrily: "You fucker, why did you receive this amount after two days. If no one sells, raise the price! Raise the price!!! Don't feel bad about money, we There is plenty of money! Don’t do it if you don’t get it from you, an elder!”

The frantic acquisition of equipment below level [-] by the Sword Demon God Palace quickly spread to foreign countries. Although they didn't know what happened, they all followed suit and started buying frantically.In short, from their point of view, following the Sword Demon God Palace will never be wrong.

Gradually, there was such a rumor all over the world—it was related to Choi and equipment below level [-].

Seven days later, in the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace, Leng Ye, Mr. Luo Luo, Jin Dao, and several women from Leng Ye toasted and drank some wine.

"Xiao Ye, your clever trick of 'purchasing equipment below level [-] with a high profile' is really clever. I'm afraid this trip to Africa won't cost you a dime." The down-and-out son praised.

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Young Master, you have won the prize. As the saying goes: 'When you get close to the vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to the ink, you will be black'. After staying with you and the eldest brother for a long time, you will naturally become popular."

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

"As of [-]:[-] p.m. today, a total of [-] million pieces of equipment below level [-] that we purchased in the past three days have been sold. Since players are generally above level [-], the cost is very low. The cost price is [-] billion gold coins in total. It was sold in total... it was sold in total..." Xuemei deliberately teased everyone's appetite, and she didn't say it several times in a row.

"Sister Xue'er, how much is the total, tell me quickly!" Shuang'er urged.

"Yes! Sister Shuang'er, don't be a fool." The quintuplet sisters also urged.

"A total of [-] billion gold coins were sold!" Xuemei finally said.

"Wow~~ We made three times the profit in just seven days, this is too...too...husband, you are too good!" Shuang'er was so happy that she didn't know where to go.

Leng Ye is very proud of himself, if he doesn't make a song, he's a blockbuster!He is usually idle and flirtatious, but he didn't expect to make billions with a little brainstorming. This is more than what the three hard-working elites of the poor son, Jin Dao and Xuemei earned in a month!

(End of this chapter)

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