Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 375 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 375 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Accompanied by Bauhinia, Leng Ye visited the "Pearl of the Orient" gang resident and walked around. Leng Ye's deepest impression of this C-level resident is just one word - rotten.The city gates are rotten, the city walls are rotten, and all kinds of buildings in the city are also rotten.Therefore, few people come here to do business except the gang members.

In fact, the location of this gang is also bad.But Hong Kong and Macau are proud of it, saying that it is a paradise away from the disputes of other gangs.

The words of Hong Kong and Macau are good, here is really a paradise, a paradise that has nothing to do with the world.If he has a huge amount of money to build here, he may be able to attract a large number of people to come and develop.But for Hong Kong and Macau, which are poor and white, and 2000 million people are like treasures, the existence of such a resident is of little significance. At most, it is just a temporary gas station for people who pass by occasionally.

After seeing this station, Leng Ye has a new evaluation of Hong Kong and Macau: Selling girls for glory, very vindictive, without money, power, and brainless.

"Pearl of the Orient" not only failed in hardware, but also in software construction.Hong Kong and Macao are Chinese. He does not have a famous reputation like Leng Ye, and he does not have outstanding strength like Leng Ye. He has no appeal in the UK.Therefore, most of the people in the gang are British Chinese and overseas students.Even if there are some yellow-haired eagle-nosed players, they are all ultra-low-level players who have just played or don't go online often.

At first, Leng Ye still hoped that Hong Kong and Macau could do something, but now he was disheartened and completely gave up his plan to continue helping him.

"Husband, my elder brother is so busy all day long that he's dizzy. The 'Pearl of the Orient' is still like this. I don't want to stay there anymore. Do you think this gang will 'close down'?" Bauhinia suddenly asked.

Leng Ye wanted to laugh when he heard what Bauhinia said, but he secretly praised Bauhinia for using the word "closed down".In the game, the gang is not a big business!A comprehensive large enterprise including real estate voice!If the gang develops well, it means that the business operation is successful. If the gang does not do well, it will lose money, and it will go bankrupt!As for the city wall of the "Pearl of the Orient", Leng Ye kicked a hole with a little force, how could he defend against the enemy!

Leng Ye sighed, and said, "Just let him go! Even if it really goes bankrupt one day, it won't starve you brothers and sisters."

Bauhinia snuggled into Leng Ye's arms and said, "My husband, thank you!"

In the evening, Leng Ye proposed to go back to China after having a light meal with the "Pearl of the Orient".Bauhinia said she would go back with her, but Leng Ye didn't shirk it, but Hong Kong and Macau felt a little bit reluctant as if his sister was gone forever.Leng Ye didn't want to embarrass Bauhinia too much, and promised to take her abroad for a stroll in a few days, and then returned to the residence of Sword Demon God Palace.

"Husband, where have you been flirting this night?" Shuang'er asked as soon as she saw her.

"What's romantic? I'm off to business." Leng Ye said, thinking that Shuang'er would continue to ask, but she heard her say: "Husband, Brother Young Master, they are looking for you! Go to the conference hall!"

Seeing Leng Ye, the poor young man said: "Xiao Ye, it's not good, someone leaked the news, and several big gangs are secretly selling equipment!"

Leng Ye was startled when he heard the words, and asked, "When did it happen?"

"Half an hour ago." Said the poor young man.

"So it's too late for us to announce that we're going to Africa for disaster relief?" Leng Ye said.

"Yes, I'm afraid they will all be sold out by the time our news spreads," said the Lost Young Master.

(End of this chapter)

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