Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 376 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 376 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Leng Ye pondered for a while, and said to Young Master Luo Po and Jin Dao, "You two elder brothers, I think we are not as good as"

After Leng Ye finished speaking, Young Master Luo Po and Jin Dao nodded, and the three men looked at each other and smiled, then dispersed.

After a while, all online members of Sword Demon Palace heard a gang announcement: Recently, a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean, causing disasters in many countries on the east coast of Africa, and the lives of residents were difficult.In order to temporarily save the living problems of the residents, "Ling Yun" officially donated a large number of virtual helmets, which temporarily solved the problem of food and clothing for the residents.The sea is ruthless, but the world is affectionate. The Sword Demon Palace decided to donate game equipment worth [-] billion gold coins to the disaster area, and the leader of the guild personally expressed condolences to the disaster area.However, these are far from enough, so hereby make an announcement. Brothers and sisters in the gang, those who are rich can contribute money, and those who are powerful can contribute. Love, send warmth to the disaster area.Donation location: Sword Demon City Armory Square.

As soon as the gang announcement came out, the square in front of the armory in Sword Demon City was quickly filled with people, donating money, goods, and love.Some of these people sincerely contributed to the disaster area, but most of them came for the [-] points of gang merit.The gang merits of the Sword Demon Shrine are related to the promotion, transfer, bonuses, negligence immunity, etc. of the gang members, and play a very important role.However, it may be very difficult to obtain merit. Generally, only those who have made great contributions to the gang will add so many points. This time, one plus is ten points, which is quite tempting.In fact, the Sword Demon God's Palace has developed, and the high-level executives of the Sword Demon God's Palace have long intended to increase the wages of the gang members, but now they are just taking this opportunity.However, it doesn't matter whether these people are sincere to the disaster area or not. The important thing is that the purpose of fundraising has been achieved.

Look at the White Tiger City resident, Leng Ye and Yaowu Yangwei are sitting on two chairs at the main entrance of the Zhonghua Yangwei Gang's living room, drinking tea.Yaowu Yangwei asked: "I don't know what is the purpose of Lord Leng's visit to the humble house this time."

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "Since I met Yaowu Guild Leader in Sunset Cloud Valley last time, I think you, Yaowu Guild Leader, are very similar to Leng."

Yaowu Yangwei waved his hand and said with a smile: "Haha, Lord Leng is joking. How can I compare myself to Lord Leng when I show off my might! At most I am famous in White Tiger City, but you, Leader Leng, are famous in the entire China region and even the whole world. There are probably not many people in the world who don’t know each other!”

"The leader of the Yaowu clan is too modest, and those are all false names. Besides being the leader of a gang, I think the leader of the Yaowu clan has a strong sense of national responsibility. The last time he dealt with Little Japan... I really admired Leng..."

"Master Leng, you're right. If it comes to the sense of national responsibility, I will show my power and show my power. Otherwise, the gang I established would not be called 'China Showcase'. I am ashamed to say that my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather was They were burned alive by the Eight-Power Allied Forces when they entered China."

(End of this chapter)

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