Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 386 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 386 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Through the efforts of the top management of the Sword Demon God's Palace, before Leng Ye's departure, the Sword Demon God's Palace had received a total of relief supplies worth more than [-] billion gold coins.The sources of these materials are mainly the top ten gangs in China, among which Sword Demon God Palace has the most, accounting for nearly one-third.According to the requirements of several major gangs, Leng Ye divided the relief supplies into five equal shares, that is to say, the equipment will be equally distributed to five countries.

According to the expected plan, the cold night will stay in each country for [-] days.Meeting the leaders of various countries on the first day, and holding a donation ceremony on the second day. There are no specific arrangements for the next five days. Leng Ye can choose to talk to players from various countries about their experience in upgrading. Of course, you can also go shopping casually. Anyway, no one cares.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Leng Ye stepped onto the teleportation array and came to the border again.There were still two border guards, a man and a woman. Although it was very cold, the woman was still standing there in a thin military uniform.

"Hello beauty, I'm going to Somalia." Leng Ye said politely to the sexy female border guard.

"It's Leng Shaoxia! Hello!" The female border guard recognized Leng Ye, and then asked, "Are you really going to Somalia?"

"Yes, beauty, let me see if there are any good cosmetics, and I'll bring you a bottle by the way." Leng Ye said with a smile.

The female border guard was very happy to hear Leng Ye's words, and said, "Young Xia Leng, thank you! I have a winter coat here, I wonder if you want it?"

Leng Ye blurted out: "Of course I want it!"

The female border guard said: "Please pay [-] gold coins."

Leng Ye sneezed when he heard it, but then he thought about it: "The clothes with one hundred thousand gold coins are not magical artifacts, they have to be fairy artifacts. I just don't have any clothes yet. Could it be that God is helping me?" Leng Ye smiled and handed over the money. In the hands of the female border guard, she was dumbfounded when she took it over and looked at it.

Warm clothes: special items, dedicated to the cold, valid for one month, and cannot be discarded.

Leng Ye smiled wryly after watching it, and thought: "I will go to Africa this time for at least [-] days and up to [-] days, and what is the use of such a piece of clothing given to me by the system? It is close to the equator, not to mention summer, even winter There is no need for this kind of clothes!" After paying another [-] gold coins for the transmission fee, Leng Ye appeared at a city gate.

Leng Ye looked at the writing on the city gate, it looked a little like English, but a little bit different, and shook his head.Look at the people coming and going at the door, most of them are black like charcoal, and occasionally there are one or two white ones like snow.The black and the white form a stark contrast, making Leng Ye feel that the black is blacker and the white is whiter.

(End of this chapter)

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