Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 387 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 387 A Trip to Africa (2) ([-])
After a while, Leng Ye was surrounded by people, all of them black.Leng Ye thought: "They must regard me as a rare animal." But seeing their eyes and smiles, Leng Ye could feel that the other party was not malicious.The black man smiled and showed his white teeth. From this point of view, Leng Ye felt that black people also have their cuteness.The black people were chattering around Leng Ye, and Leng Ye couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Leng Ye hurriedly called the staff of the Chinese embassy in Somalia (now in [-]), and a girl's voice came from there: "Hello, this is Mr. Leng Ye!"

"I am, where are you?" Leng Ye said to the girl, and as soon as he finished speaking, Leng Ye slapped himself, even if the other party gave the address, would he be able to find it?
"I'm...hehe, Mr. Leng Ye, are you in the city or in the wild?" The girl obviously knew the instability of the teleportation location and asked.

"I'm at the city gate!" Leng Ye replied.

"Which city gate are you at? Look at the sign on the upper right of the gate, which is an Arabic numeral." The girl said.

"Oh... I saw it, number [-]." Leng Ye said to the girl.

"That's the north gate of Mogadishu, just wait a moment, I'll be there soon," the girl said.

After hanging up the beeper, the onlookers still haven't left.Leng Ye saw that the clothes of these people were not bad, and their rank was not low, so he couldn't figure out why Jindao chose this place.Seeing their friendly faces, Leng Ye took out several sets of level [-] equipment from the space bracelet and handed them to the onlookers.

After receiving the equipment, the onlookers immediately made a move that surprised Leng Ye—they even knelt down.Kneeling on the ground, while holding up the equipment Leng Ye gave them, they all laughed and showed their white teeth.

After a while, a yellow-skinned woman walked over, about 21 years old, and after some chattering, the black people watching walked away one after another.

"Hello! I'm a staff member of the embassy in Somalia. You can call me Amei. Are you Mr. Leng Ye?" The woman asked with a smile and held out her hand.

"Hi Ami! I'm Leng Ye." Leng Ye said, shaking hands with Ami.

"In the past few days you are in Somalia, I will temporarily act as your translator and full-time nanny. Now let's go to the M Gang! That is the residence of the largest gang in Somalia, and an official in charge of the Somalia Ministry of Foreign Affairs is there , let me introduce you to each other," said Amei.

Leng Ye nodded. The M gang is not far to the north of the main city of Mogadishu, and the two soon arrived outside the station.

Amei stopped suddenly, and said to Leng Ye: "Mr. Leng, this place is very safe, you can send the ladies here now."

Leng Ye was overjoyed, and praised Amei for her understanding. Once the wedding ring was turned, turned twice, turned three times, and turned four times, a magic circle of four hexagrams appeared in front of Leng Ye, and then ten fairies came from the sky. , Ami's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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