Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 388 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 388 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Leng Ye saw that the eyes of the girls were all on the redbud, so he quickly introduced to them: "Shuang'er, this is the redbud I told you about."

Shuang'er smiled and walked a few steps forward, took Bauhinia's hand, and said, "Sister Hua is so beautiful. No wonder that bastard is not at home recently, so I went to meet Sister Hua."

Bauhinia blushed, but she didn't answer, and she didn't know what to say.

Shuang'er said: "Honey, you are so lazy, why did you only introduce half of the introduction!" After watching the cold night, he said: "Sister Hua, let me introduce you. This is Sister Xueer, and this is Sister Jinxing." ...and this is sister Qiu Zimei, a big beauty in Korea."

Although I heard from Leng Ye that they were married, it was still very surprising that so many wives Bauhinia appeared all at once, and it seemed a little weird.However, for the sake of Leng Ye, she quickly reached an agreement with the girls.

"Mr. Leng, are these beautiful beauties your wives?" Amei asked.

Just as Leng Ye was about to answer, Mercury said first: "Honey, you haven't introduced this sister to us yet! When did you get it done? We don't even know anything about it."

Although Amei is very temperamental, she is not outstanding in looks, so only now has someone discovered her existence.Amei smiled after hearing Mercury's words and said: "This lady misunderstood, I am a staff member of the embassy in Somalia stationed in the game, I am the tour guide, translator and full-time nanny for this operation, please call me Amei. "

"Hello, Sister Amei!" the girls said in unison.

Amei smiled and said: "Everyone come with me!" She led a few people into the gate of the residence of the M Gang, the largest gang in Suoguo.

"Husband, how can we say that we are also here to do disaster relief and do good deeds, so why come to pick us up alone, it's too outrageous." Shuang'er whispered to Leng Ye.

As soon as Shuang'er finished speaking, Leng Ye saw a piece of red cloth in front of him. The red cloth was so big that it covered the entire city gate.

"Ami, what does this mean?" Leng Ye asked.

Amei smiled, and then mumbled something to the red cloth.Then Leng Ye heard the thunderous sound of gongs and drums and the neat and clear sound.The red cloth slowly floated up into the sky, gradually moving away from Leng Ye's sight.

"Husband, there are so many people!" Shuang'er exclaimed.

Leng Ye looked at it, and there was a huge sunken square in front of it. There were densely packed people standing in the square, orderly, like a square formation.

(End of this chapter)

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