Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 396 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 396 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
After leaving Suoguo District, Leng Ye set foot on the territory of Kenguo District again.This time, Leng Ye did not rush to contact the person in charge here, but directly summoned all the girls.

"Honey, what is this place?" Shuang'er asked.

Leng Ye rode on Xiaobai, turned around in the air, and came back and said, "This is the border between Kenya and Tanzania. You can see that the mountain over there should be Mount Kilimanjaro."

"Then let's go to the mountain to play! Maybe there are fairy beasts, husband, you just have to tame a few more." Shuang'er said with a smile.

Leng Ye shook his head and said, "I can only look at it here, but I can't get through it. That's the situation in Tanzania."

"Hey~~~ I don't know what happened to Brother Jindao, insisting that we can go there after seven days." Shuang'er sighed.

Leng Ye also didn't want to stay longer in this place where there were no mountains, no water, and said, "Brother just arranged the reception date for the other party. As long as we fool around the two days of reception, and then use the excuse to enjoy the scenery here, start Slip, don't you know that you are not aware of it?"

"Husband, you are really getting more and more ghostly. You can sneak back to say goodbye to them on the seventh day, and it will be even more perfect." Shuang'er said with a smile.

Just do what you say, Leng Ye quickly contacted the person in charge of the Kenyan area...

Two days later, in the sound of "boring" from all the women, they quietly left the Kenya area and came to the Tan area, and boarded Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It is a volcanic hill with an altitude of [-] meters and an area of ​​[-] square kilometers. It is located in the northeast of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, adjacent to Kenya, and is the watershed between Tanzania and Kenya. kilometer.Mount Kilimanjaro is known as the "roof of Africa".

Mount Kilimanjaro has two main peaks, one is called Uhuru and the other is called Mawenji. There is a [-]-kilometer-long saddle-shaped ridge between the two peaks. From a distance, Mount Kilimanjaro is a lonely mountain. The towering mountains rise from the vast East African prairie, soaring into the clouds and majestic.When you look at this magnificent and deep snow mountain, you can often feel its inner great power, a kind of burning and restless primitive vitality.There is a crater with a diameter of [-] meters and a depth of [-] meters on the equatorial peak of Mount Kilimanjaro Uhuru. The walls inside the crater are huge crystal-clear and flawless ice layers, and huge icicles stand at the bottom, covered with ice and snow, like a huge jadeite. Pots.

A mountain is divided into four seasons, Leng Ye slowly flew up on the six-winged Flying Tiger King, and truly witnessed the beauty of the four seasons on Mount Kilimanjaro.At high altitude, Leng Ye didn't feel any change in temperature, but when Xiaobai landed on the top of the mountain, Leng Ye felt icy cold.

Looking at the girls again, their four-winged flying tigers didn't dare to land on the top of the mountain at all.

"Shuang'er, don't come down, it's too cold!" Leng Ye shouted to the girls.The design of this game is really weird. At the same altitude, the mountain is cold, but there is nothing strange outside the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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